Сlinical evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of generalized periodontitis with the gel composition with atorvastatin in patients with coronary artery disease
periodontitis, coronary artery disease, gel composition, statins, treatmentAbstract
Summary. In recent years, it has increased the number of scientific evidence indicates the improvement of clinical and roentgenological indicators of the periodontal tissue in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) who took statins. Except hypolipidemic action and cardioprotective properties, statins have several pleiotropic effects, including anti-inflammatory, immunostimulatory, antibacterial and osteotropic etc. Given the above, it is expected that statins in topical medications may beneficially impact the state of periodontal tissues in the complex treatment of generalized periodontitis (GP).
The aim of the study – to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of the use of extemporaneous gel composition containing the active substance atorvastatin calcium in the complex treatment of GP in patients with CAD.
Materials and Methods. It had been conducted the periodontal treatment of 60 patients (mean age – (56.6±0.9) years) with diagnosed CAD and chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP) of initial-I and II degrees. The study participants had been divided into two groups: the main group and the comparison group (30 people in each group). In addition, for topical therapy, patients in the main group received gel composition in the form of periodontal dressings containing the active substance atorvastatin calcium. The effectiveness of treatment of CGP in the comparison groups had been evaluated after 7 days using clinical examination and periodontal indices.
Results and Discussion. According to the data of objective periodontal examination and index assessment after treatment, patients in the main group had a higher rate of reduction of the inflammatory process in the periodontal tissues. The improvement in the state of periodontal tissues in the main group was 1.5 times faster than in the comparison group and was characterized by significantly lower depth of periodontal pockets – (2.36±0.12) mm vs. (2.82±0.13) mm, p<0.05; the degree of inflammation of the gums according to PMA index – (22.78±1.80) % vs. (34.29±2.25) %, p<0.001; bleeding gums according to PBI index – (0.67±0,05) points vs. (1.02±0.07) points, p<0.001.
Conclusions. Based on the dynamics of changes in clinical and index indicators of periodontal tissues, a pronounced therapeutic efficacy of the gel composition containing the active substance atorvastatin calcium has been revealed. This gel composition can be recommended as a topical medication in the complex treatment of CGP in patients with CAD.
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