Effectiveness of application of local therapy on microbiocenosis of the oral cavity in patients with generalized periodontitis on the background of damage of the gastrointestinal tract


  • I. E. Shvets Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • M. O. Iskiv Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University




generalized periodontitis, microbiocenosis, gastrointestinal tract


Summary. Periodontal diseases are the second most common and prevalent after caries and remain an urgent problem in dentistry. This pathology occurs due to a number of factors. Pathological processes in the periodontium are especially common in patients with general somatic diseases, in particular in persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A comparative study of the species composition of the anaerobic microflora of periodontal pockets in patients with inflammatory-destructive diseases of periodontal tissues on the background of Helicobacter pylori – associated pathology of the digestive system after our treatment.

The aim of the study – to determine the clinical efficacy of our developed local therapy for oral microbiocenosis in patients with generalized periodontitis on the background of gastrointestinal lesions.

Materials and Methods. The species composition of anaerobic microorganisms in periodontal pockets was studied in 52 patients (main group) with generalized periodontitis, in whom periodontal disease was treated using our proposed local therapy, and 46 patients (comparative group) with GP degree I–III of severity, in which basic local therapy was used to treat periodontal tissue lesions. Detection of pathogens in the oral cavity (contents of periodontal pockets) was carried out by the method of multi-polymer polymer-chain reaction. As a means of pathogenetic local pharmacotherapy was used in the form of applications on the clear gel "Holisal". As local physiotherapy, patients with GP degree I–III of severity of the main group underwent ozone therapy using an ozone generator "OzonyMed". In order to improve and consolidate the effects of local therapy, rinsing, irrigation, hydromassage with Morshynska mineral water, springs No. 1 were used.

Results and Discussion. In the long term (12–18 months), despite a slight increase in the main group of patients in whom anaerobic species of microorganisms were identified in periodontal pockets, the number of subjects in whom Helicobacter pylori and Treponema denticola were objectified decreased 2.8 times; 2.5 times – with Fusobacterium nucleatum and Prevotella intermedia; 1.7 times – the number of carriers of Bacteroides forsythus, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (p<0.01). In patients of the control group, where traditional therapy was used in the treatment of GP, the number of patients in whose periodontal pockets were diagnosed with anaerobic species of microorganisms returned to the reference values (p>0.05).

Conclusions. Thus, the decrease in the number of patients with GP of the main group – carriers of anaerobic species of microorganisms, indicates the adequacy of our treatment and prevention complex for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues.


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How to Cite

Shvets, I. E., & Iskiv, M. O. (2020). Effectiveness of application of local therapy on microbiocenosis of the oral cavity in patients with generalized periodontitis on the background of damage of the gastrointestinal tract. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (3), 42–47. https://doi.org/10.11603/2311-9624.2020.3.11569



Terapeutic stomatology