Evaluation of effectiveness of application of platelet-rich fibrin and compositions based on it in replacement of post-extraction defects of the alveolar process


  • Ya. E. Vares Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • V. Z. Slipyi Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University




advanced platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF), post-extraction defects, atrophy


Summary. The priority task of preparation of the alveolar process (AP) for dental implantation after tooth extraction is to reconstruct its biometric parameters and to prevent atrophy. For this purpose, the use of various surgical techniques using a plenty of osteoplastic materials, barrier membranes, reinforcing devices or regenerative technologies, in particular platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), is scientifically justified. However, nowadays the question about the effectiveness of combined use of PRF and osteoplastic materials in the pre-implant preparation of the AP after tooth extraction is still open.

The aim of the study – to approve and evaluate the efficacy of advanced platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF+®) and compositions based on it for substitution of post-extraction bone defects as means of preparation for dental implantation.

Materials and Methods. 24 patients (13 women and 11 men aged (34.25±9.79) years) with exacerbation of chronic periodontitis, radicular cysts, traumatic dislocations and root fractures were examined and treated.

Results and Discussion. On the 6-th month of observation, the decrease in the distance between the occlusal plane and the level of crestal bone in the defect's area, and accordingly bone growth compared with baseline preoperative measurements was 12.9 % in patients of the main group A, 17.5 % – in patients of the main group B, 18.4 % – in patients of the main group C, whereas in the control a vertical atrophy of the AP volume of 7.2 % compared to the initial parameters was stated. The level of horizontal atrophy of AP in this period compared to the initial measurements was 8.4 % in the main group A, 6.0 % – in the main group B, 5.4 % – in the main group C and 17.1 % – in the control. Indicators of bone density at the end of the observation period were fixed at (636.41±47.70) HU units in the main group A, (685.98±42.67) HU units in the main group B, (714.5±58.35) HU units in the main group C, while this index in patients of the control group was only (440.77±68.48) HU units.

Conclusions. Intraoperative use of autologous fibrin A-PRF+® and compositions based on it is an effective method of managing of post-extraction defects as it minimizes quantitative changes of the AP and accelerates the process of bone formation on pre-implant stage.



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How to Cite

Vares, Y. E., & Slipyi, V. Z. (2020). Evaluation of effectiveness of application of platelet-rich fibrin and compositions based on it in replacement of post-extraction defects of the alveolar process. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (3), 16–23. https://doi.org/10.11603/2311-9624.2020.3.11565



Surgical stomatology