About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal publishes the original articles and reviews. Articles reflect best practices and research results in the dentistry industry under sections:

- Therapeutic dentistry,

- Surgical stomatology,

- Orthopedic stomatology,

- Pediatric dentistry,

- Orthodontics,

- Experimental research in dentistry

Peer Review Process

  1. Editors registers the article, provided that it meets the requirements, published in the journal and posted on the website http://ojs.tdmu.edu.ua
  2. Article is subject to review.
  3. Chief Editor determines the scientific value of the work and appoints two reviewers - independent experts, with the closest to the subject of scientific specialization. Reviewers typically are leading scientists in the field of pharmacy, as well as specialists in biochemistry, medicine.
  4. The term of peer review - two weeks. Depending on the situation and at the request of the reviewer's review period may be extended.
  5. In order to make the most complete and objective reviews to the article editors developed a guide for the reviewer.
  6. Reviewer doing one of the following conclusions: 1 – recommend an article for publication in the author's version; 2 – recommend an article to publish only after revision and taking into account of these shortcomings; 3 – recommend transfer this article for additional review another specialist; 4 – to reject the publication, indicating the reason.
  7. Chief Editor examines the reviewers' suggestions and takes decisions: to send this article for publication or return to the author with the proposal to take into account the recommendations of the reviewer and to complete it. The resulting redeveloped the authors reviewed again.
  8. With the 2015 edition switched on practice of dual "blind" peer review: authors don't know - who evaluates their work and a reviewer does not know whom he reviews. Correspondence between the reviewer and the author is through editorial. Reviewer, evaluating article, can to attract some professionals to provide substantiated answers to the publication on its own initiative.
  9. Conclusion of reviewer is not final for the Chief Editor. If the opinion of the reviewers does not match, Chief Editor directs the work for additional peer review third reviewer.
  10. When the author disagrees with a review, he can send a reasoned reply to the Editor and then Editorial Board decides on expediency of assignment other reviewers for his article. In conflict or unusual situations Chief Editor alone takes appropriate action.
  11. In case of positive reviews chief editor sends this article to the editor with the instructions "To be printed" and the article goes through the following stages: orthographic and stylistic editing, technical editing and design in the layout for the transfer of the publisher.
  12. Scientific Councils of I.Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University finally approve the number at the next meeting.
  13. Original of articles and reviews are stored in editorial office for three years.

Publication Frequency

Клінічна стоматологія. Clinical Dentystry journal is published quarterly.

Open Access Policy

All articles published in the open-access journal “Клінічна стоматологія. Clinical Dentystry.” have been reviewed and upon acceptance are immediately and permanently free for anyone for reading and downloading.

The Clinical Dentystry Review allows and encourages using of its published content supporting the principles of free distribution of scientific information and global exchange of knowledge for overall social progress.

Publishing ethics


The Editorial Board of the “Клінічна стоматологія. Clinical Dentistry”, in their work, follow the ethical principles and policies of publishing practice of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, the recommendations of the Committee of Publications Ethics, and in particular the Publishing Ethics Resource Kit of Elsevier Publishing, and also rely on the experience of authoritative international journals and publishing houses (Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE) (publicationethics.org). Adherence to the regulations on publication ethics by all of the involved in publication process provides protection of authors’ intellectual property right, credibility of the journal in the eyes of international scientific community and excludes the possibility of illegal use of author’s materials for benefits of particular persons.

Publication Decision

This decision is based on verifying of reliability of the information provided and the importance of work for researchers and readers. The Editor-in-Chief should not have any conflict of interest about papers, which he/she rejects or accepts. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for decisions about whether the submitted articles are accepted for publication or rejected. He/she follows the journal policy and legal requirements such as avoiding slander, plagiarism and copyright infringement. Also, the editor-in-chief of the journal may consult the members of the editorial board and reviewers on the matter of publication rejection.

Fair Play

The assessment of the manuscript must be carried out by the editor-in-chief solely taking into account its scientific content, regardless of race, nationality, ethnic origin, citizenship, gender, orientation, religion or political views of the manuscript authors.


The editor-in-chief, editorial staff and members of the Editorial Board of the journal are responsible for not disclosing any information about the submitted manuscripts to anyone other than the author(s), potential and appointed reviewers, Editorial Board consultants, and publisher.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interests

The editor-in-chief, the editorial staff and members of the Editorial Board should not use for personal purposes or transfer to third parties (without written permission of the author) unpublished manuscripts or individual data obtained from the manuscripts submitted for consideration. If there is sufficient reason to believe that the submitted manuscript or part of it is a plagiarism, the editor-in-chief should not allow the publication of the manuscript. An article, in case of acceptance for publication, is put in the open-access; copyright reserved.

Dealing with Complaints

The editor-in-chief, together with the publisher, has to consider claims related to the manuscripts under consideration or published materials. They should consider all complaints of ethics. Every declared case of unethical behavior regarding publication should be investigated, even if it is discovered years after the article's publication. In the event of a conflict situation, they must take all necessary measures for restoration of the infringed rights, and for the detection of errors – to promote the publication of corrections and refutations in both printed and online version of the journal.


Participation in the Decision Making by the Editorial Board

The editor-in-chief decides whether to publish work according to the results of the review.

The reviewing helps the author to improve their work. The Editorial Board of the “Клінічна стоматологія. Clinical Dentystry.” journal shares the position of the Elsevier publishing house http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/intro.cws_home/publishing that all the scientists, who wish to publish their articles, have a moral obligation to participate in the reviewing process.


The editor-in-chief forwards the article for a review to the most competent person according to the avenues of manuscript research. A reviewer who does not consider himself/herself an expert in the subject matter of the article or who knows that his/her effective review is not possible should notify the editor-in-chief and refuse to review.


Each manuscript received for review should be considered as a confidential document. It is prohibited to display to or discuss it with anyone other than the persons authorized by the editor.

Standards of Objectivity

The reviewer must review the manuscript objectively according to the obligatory paragraphs in the review form. In the review paragraph Comments and Suggestions on personal comments to the author are unacceptable. The reviewer should present their sound and definite views.

Acknowledgement of Source

The reviewer during the review process should keep track of the manuscript references made by the authors. If the authors do not present a reference to the published work, the reviewer should note it. Any statement in the review that some observation, conclusion or argument in the reviewed article has previously been presented in the literature should be accompanied by a corresponding reference. The reviewer should also pay the attention of the editor-in-chief to the significant similarity or partial coincidence of the reviewed article with any other previously published ones.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interests

The information provided in the article submitted for review cannot be used in any reviewer’s work without the written permission of the author. Confidential information should be kept secret and not be used by the reviewer for personal gain. The reviewer should not review manuscripts in case of a conflict of interest caused by competition, cooperation or other relationship with any authors or organizations related to the article.


The authors are personally responsible for the text of the manuscript submitted. A supplementary letter in any format signed by the author/authors containing confirmation that the article has not been published or submitted for publication in any other national or international journal, and is not an adaptation of previously published articles should be attached together with the publication submitted for consideration.

Standards of Publication

The authors of the manuscripts must provide an accurate record of the work performed and statistically significant results of the research performed, and present an objective discussion of the results with a sufficient number of references. The experiments must be explained thoroughly so that other researchers can re-conduct them. Misleading, corrupted or false statements equal unethical behavior and are unacceptable.

Data Access and Storage

Authors may be asked to provide the raw data of their study for editorial expertise and should dispose themselves to make the data publicly available if practicable. These data should be stored for a reasonable time after publication.

Originality and Plagiarism

Authors should ensure that they submit only original works. If they have used the works and/or statements of other authors, this must be appropriately cited or referenced. Plagiarism in any form, including quotations or paraphrasing of substantial parts of another paper (without attribution), ‘passing off’ other papers as the author’s own or intrusion the results of research conducted by others is unethical publishing and is unacceptable. Articles that are a compilation of published previously materials of other authors (without their own creative and authoring interpretation) are not accepted for publication.

Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication/Submission

The results of one study can be published no more than in one article, which, in turn, cannot be submitted simultaneously in more than one journal. Publication of some kinds of articles (such as translations) in more than one journal is sometimes justifiable provided the conditions: the authors and editors of the journal must agree to the secondary publication, which must reflect the same data and interpretation of the primary document. The primary reference must be cited in the secondary publication. The detailed information on the acceptable secondary publications you can find here: www.icmje.org .

Recognition of Sources

The authors should recognize the contribution of all persons, who by some means or other influenced the conduction of the research and defined the way of scientific work presenting. The references to publication bibliographic sources in regard to the research are obligatory. All sources should be disclosed. The confidential information obtained in the process of manuscript reviewing or grant submissions is used only with the presence of written permission from the authors of these manuscripts or applicants for grants.


Only persons, who have made substantive intellectual contributions to the conception, design, execution, or analysis of a study, should be listed as authors. Other participants, who took part in certain aspects of the work, should be acknowledged in the Acknowledgments paragraph. All persons listed in the paper as authors are responsible for the content of the work. If the article is a multi-disciplinary work, co-authors are responsible for his/her personal contribution, sharing collective responsibility for the general results. The corresponding author ensures that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and agreed to its submission for publication. A person who has not participated in research is not listed as an author.

Potential Hazards and Use of Humans or Animals

All reagents of chemical and biological nature, hazardous procedures and equipment must be specified by the authors in the manuscript. If a study involving animals or humans has been conducted, the author should include in his/her manuscript a statement that all procedures were completed in accordance with applicable law and service instructions approved by the relevant committee of the institution/organization, where the study has been conducted, as well as permits for experiments with humans.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Authors in their manuscripts must specify all sources of work financing; declare possible conflicts of interest that may affect the results of the research, their interpretation, and the judgment of reviewers. Examples of potential conflicts of interest to be disclosed: employment, advisory services, stock ownership, fees, paid expert opinions, patent applications or registration, grants or other funding. Potential conflicts of interest must be established as soon as possible. The author should sign the form on behalf of all contributors on potential conflicts of interest at the time of acceptance for publication. This policy is applied to all submitted original manuscripts and review materials. Examples of such applications: AUTHOR is an employee and a shareholder of the company; AUTHOR is the founder of the company and a member of its scientific advisory board; this work is partially supported by a grant from the company.

Fundamental Mistakes in Published Works

If significant errors or inaccuracies in the manuscript are disclosed by the authors at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, they should immediately inform the editorial staff of the journal and make a joint decision on the acknowledgment of the error and/or its correction in the shortest possible time. If a journal editorial staff finds out from a third person that the published work contains significant errors, the author must immediately correct them, or provide the editorial office with proof of the correctness of the information provided.


All scientific articles submitted to the editorial office are subjected to a plagiarism test by an independent experts and special software. We protect the rights of authors/co-authors and investigate statements of plagiarism or misuse of published articles. The authors are responsible for the materials they submit in case of detecting plagiarism in them. The journal reserves the right to reject the article for plagiarism without further explanation and to take appropriate legal measures.

Conflict of interests

The Editorial Board of the “Клінічна стоматологія. Clinical Dentystry.” journal follows the rules approved by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

“Public confidence in the review process and the reliability of published articles is partly dependent on how well the conflicts of interest are taken into account in the recording, review and editorial decision-making process. A conflict of interest arises when the author (authors, institution), reviewer or editor has financial or personal relationships that inadequately affect (violate) his actions (such relationships are also known as double obligations, interests or competing rights). These relationships can influence the decision. At the same time, not all relations are a real conflict of interests. The basis for a conflict of interest can exist regardless of whether the person believes or not that relations affect his scientific judgment. Financial relations (for example, employment, advisory services, stock ownership, fees, paid expert opinions) are conflicts of interest that are most easily identified and most likely to undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors, and the science.”

The Editorial Board requires all authors to report any financial conflicts of interest that could affect the results or interpretation of the manuscript. More about the conflict of interest is presented in the responsibilities of the Editorial Board, editors and editorial staff, reviewers and authors in the section PUBLISHER ETHICS.

Bioethical principles

The “Клінічна стоматологія. Clinical Dentystry.” journal follows the rules recommended by the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes (Strasbourg, 1986), World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals).

All procedures describing experiments that involve the use of laboratory animals, any material of human nature or participation of donors and/or patients should be carried out in accordance with the rules on bioethics.

“When reporting experiments on humans, the authors should indicate whether the procedures are carried out in accordance with the ethical standards of the committee responsible for conducting experiments on humans (departmental and national) and the Declaration of Helsinki (1975, revised in 2000). If doubt exists whether the research has been conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors should explain the justification of their approach and demonstrate that the institutional oversight authority has allowed questionable research aspects. Reporting on experiments on animals, authors should specify whether the departmental and national rules on the care and use of laboratory animals are followed. The whole procedure should be included in the Materials and Methods paragraph. More information find in the recommendations for authors Guidelines for authors https://ojs.tdmu.edu.ua/index.php/pharm-chas/about/submissions#authorGuidelines

Declaration of Informed Consent

In accordance with the rules approved by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), “Patients have the right to privacy, which cannot be violated without their informed consent. Definition of information, including patient names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be published in written descriptions, photographs and ancestries if this information is not important for scientific purposes. Prior to submitting a manuscript for publication, the identified patient must give informed consent. Identification details should be hidden if they are not substantial. Complete anonymity is hard to warrant, but informed consent must still be obtained if there are any doubts. For example, masking the eye area in patient photographs is doubtful protection of anonymity. If for anonymity reasons, the identifying features are changed, for example in genetic genealogies, then the authors should ensure that the changes do not distort the scientific meaning; the editors should pay their attention to it as well. The requirement for informed consent should be included in the author’s instructions. If the informed consent is obtained, then this fact must be presented in the published article.”


All scientific articles submitted to the editorial office are subjected to a plagiarism test by independent experts and special software Plagiat.pl and Unicheck. We protect the rights of authors/co-authors and investigate statements about plagiarism or misuse of the published articles. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the articles, and the correctness of names, surnames and quotations. The authors are responsible for the materials they submit in case of detecting plagiarism in them. Similarly, we protect the reputation of the journal against abuse of office. Thus, the journal reserves the right to reject an article for plagiarism without further explanation and to take appropriate legal measures. If a plagiarism is detected after publication, the journal may post the correction or recall the article.