Scientific Journals of Ternopil National Medical University


  • International Journal of Medicine and Medical Research

    International Journal of Medicine and Medical Research (IJMMR) is the peer-reviewed international journal published semiannually. The overall goal of the IJMMR is to promote medical research and to serve as a platform dedicated to increasing the exchange of experience and collaboration in all fields of medical research, including dentistry and pharmacology. IJMMR accepts original research, reviews, commentaries and letters to the editor in the areas of medicine and medical research covering non-clinical and clinical subjects, population health sciences and public health topics.
    ISSN 2414-9985 (Online), ISSN 2413-6077 (Print)

  • Medical Informatics and Engineering

    Scientific-practical journal “Medical Informatics and Engineering” dedicated to the problems of implementing of IT-technology in medical science and practice. The main aim of the journal is to inform the porfessionals of health care industry of Ukraine, scientists, teachers of medical higher educational institutions, employees of medical and biological research institutes and the public about the results of fundamental and applied studies on Medical Informatics and Engineering, about current trends and informatization processes occurring in the medical field.
    ISSN 1997-7468 (Online), ISSN 1996-1960 (Print)

  • Medical Education

    A scientific journal designed to highlight the ways and methods of improvement of higher medical education, to exchange the experience in the organization of teaching work. The journal publishes articles of scientific and methodical nature on the methodology and modern teaching methods, the characteristics of teaching subjects in the fields of medicine and pharmacy at undergraduate and postgraduate levels of education. The journal included in the List of professional publications in which articles can be published on awarding scientific degrees in pedagogical science. The short communications, reviews, original contributions, and history of medical schools are published also.
    ISSN 2414-5998 (Online), ISSN 1681-2751 (Print), ICV 2019 - 77.77

  • Hospital Surgery. Journal named by L.Ya. Kovalchuk

    Ukrainian Scientific and practical journal published quarterly. Journal devoted to coverage of clinical surgery, operational and experimental surgery, reconstructive and plastic surgery, transfusion and surgical hematology, urology, neurosurgery, clinical anesthesiology, and resuscitation. The publication also presents relevant materials from Ukrainian and international conferences, original works of surgeons from Ukraine and abroad. The original studies, published in the journal include high standards, the principles of evidence-based medicine, characterized by relevance, theoretical, and practical value. 
    ISSN 2414-4533 (Online), ISSN 1681-2778 (Print)


  • Medical and Clinical Chemistry

    Applied research journal, dedicated to the questions of molecular mechanisms of pathology development, biochemistry in diagnostics and treatment, specifically, cardio-vascular diseases, biochemical hepatology and nephrology, biochemistry of endocrinology, pathological chemistry of inherited diseases and emergency conditions, biochemistry in surgical field, neurochemistry and pathological chemistry of the brain, immunochemistry, xenobiochemistry, problems and experience in teaching biological and medical chemistry. The journal is included in the list of professional journals, where results of Ph.D. program research in biological, pharmaceutical and medical sciences can be published. 
    ISSN 2414-9934 (Online), ISSN 2410-681X (Print)
    The Journal is included in "The List of Scientific Professional Journals approved by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine",  Medicine, and Biology, and  Рharmacology (category B, specialties 091, 221,222, 226, according to the Order of Ministry of Education and Science 11.07.2019 № 975) 

  • Medical Chemistry

    Applied research journal, dedicated to the questions of molecular mechanisms of pathology development, biochemistry in diagnostics and treatment, specifically, cardio-vascular diseases, biochemical hepatology and nephrology, biochemistry of endocrinology, pathological chemistry of inherited diseases and emergency conditions, biochemistry in surgical field, neurochemistry and pathological chemistry of the brain, immunochemistry, xenobiochemistry, problems and experience in teaching biological and medical chemistry.

  • Bulletin of Scientific Research

    A scientific journal devoted to the systematic informing of doctors and scientists about the latest advances in medicine, the experience, and perspectives of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of major diseases; coverage of the latest data on the etiology and pathogenesis and experimental research. It joins efforts of Ukrainian scientists and physicians in developing and implementing new methods of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. The journal is included in the list of periodicals issued by the State Attestation Commission of Ukraine, contains articles recommended for publishing that include dissertational materials. 
    ISSN 2415-8798 (Online), ISSN 1681-276X (Print)

  • Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine

    The journal publishes articles which highlights the issue of public health policy, the theoretical foundations of health; conceptual foundations reform, the issue of prevention in public health, medical, demographic, medical and social research, study and prediction of health, development of models health management.
    ISSN 2414-9470 (Online), ISSN 1681-2786 (Print)

  • Pharmaceutical Review / Farmacevtičnij časopis

    Quarterly peer reviewed scientific journal, which was founded in 2007, dealing with Pharmacy actual problems. The journal aims to publish the highest quality material from all areas of Pharmacy including: synthesis of biologically active substances, phytochemical research, pharmaceutical technologies, biopharmacy,  homeopathy, analysis of medicines, informational and innovative technologies in pharmacy, pharmaceutical management, marketing and logistic, organization of pharmacy stores, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, pharmaceutical laws and regulatory documents, pharmacy education, etc. A range of article types will be considered, including original research, reviews, editorials, and recommendation papers. In addition it provides a forum for the exchange of information on all aspects of pharmacy industry.
    ISSN 2414-9926 (Online), ISSN 2312-0967 (Print)

  • Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine

    Scientific and practical journal aims to elucidate the actual problems of mechanisms of function of organism in health and illness, aspects of molecular and cell physiology and pathology, modelling of pathological processes, morphology and pathologic morphology, clinical and experimental data of diagnosis and treatment, peculiarities of internal medicine, actual problems of pediatric diseases, gynecology and obstetrics, surgery, transplantology, neurology and psychiatry, ecology, preclinical and clinical trials, etc.   
    ISSN 2415-8836 (Online), ISSN 1811-2471 (Print) 

  • Infectious Diseases – Infektsiyni khvoroby

    Allukrainian scientific and practical medical journal, in which the newest achievements in the field of medical infectious diseases, experience and prospects of fight against infectious diseases, development and introduction of new methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, assistance a collaboration, are lighted up with foreign colleagues and medical organizations.
    ISSN 2414-9969 (Online), ISSN 1681-2727 (Print)

  • Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology

    The scientific journal was founded in 2008. It is published 2 times a year. The journal is dedicated to actual problems of modern medical science in the field of obstetrics, gynecology and pediatrics. Leading international specialists conduct peer-review scientific papers. The journal certified by the State Attestation Commission (SAC) to Ukraine and included specialized scientific publications in Ukraine Medical Sciences. The results of the dissertation works may be published also. Certificate of registration: series KB № 13686-2660
    ISSN 2415-301X (Online), ISSN 2411-4944 (Print), ICV = 64.99, ICV 2018 = 66.05


    Клиническая стоматология - украинский научно-практический журнал, выходящий ежеквартально. Журнал публикует статьи, охватывающие различные области стоматологии, имеющие научную и практическую ценность для стоматологов всех специальностей. Статьи, публикуемые в журнале, являются обязательным предварительным рецензированием и тщательно отбираются. В издании также представлены актуальные материалы украинских и международных конференций, оригинальные работы стоматологов из Украины и зарубежья. Оригинальные исследования, опубликованные в журнале, включают высокие стандарты, принципы доказательной медицины, характеризующиеся актуальностью, теоретической и практической ценностью. Он включал области наук о здоровье (медицина, стоматология, профессии здравоохранения) и  науки о жизни (иммунология и микробиология).
    ISSN 2415-3036 (онлайн), ISSN 2311-9624 (печать)

  • Nursing

    The magazine highlights the new achievements in nursing education and practice, the issues of psychology, pedagogy and management in the work of head and chief nurses. The experience of the best nurses in various branches, their scientific research work and much more is represented in this magazine.
    ISSN 2415-3028 (Online), ISSN 2411-1597 (Print), ICV = 54.58, ICV 2018 = 59,08

  • Bulletin of Medical and Biological Research

    The scientific and practical journal "Bulletin of Medical and Biological Researchis an interdisciplinary journal serving for the exchange of scientific and clinical data; publication of original researches, analytical reviews, articles from congresses and conferences, short reports and case reports covering all areas of medical, biological sciences and nursing.
    The journal is indexed in Google Scholar, OAJI, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), Index Copernicus
    ISSN 2706-6290 (Online), ISSN 2706-6282 (Print)