
  • V. P. Martsenyuk Університет Бєльсько-Бялої, Республіка Польща http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5622-1038
  • I. Ye. Andrushchak Луцький національний технічний університет



Ключові слова:

медичне рятівництво, мікросервіси, Spring.


Робота присвячена представленню мікросервісного підходу для розробки інформаційної системи для медичного рятівництва. Реалізація ґрунтується на використанні фреймворків Spring, Spring Boot і Spring Cloud.


Martsenyuk, V. P., & Andrushchak, I. Y. (2009). Programne seredovishche pidtrimki sistemnikh farmakokinetichnikh doslidzhen': pidkhid na osnovi Web-tekhnologii [The software environment for supporting system pharmacokinetic studies: a Web-based approach]. Shtuchnii intelekt (Artificial intelligence), 3.

Martsenyuk, V. P., & Andrushchak, I. Y. (2012). Pro kontseptual'nu model' sistemi pidtrimki rishen' v sistemnikh medichnikh doslidzhennyakh [On the conceptual model of the decision support system in systemic medical research]. In XIX International Conference "Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2012)" (April 23-27, 2011, Mukachevo, Ukraine), Abstracts (pp. 162-163).

Martsenyuk, V. P., & Andrushchak, I. Y. (2014). Rozrobka

klinichnoi ekspertnoi sistemi, shcho gruntuiet'sya na pravilakh, metodom poslidovnogo pokrittya [The development of a rule-based clinical expert system with the method of sequential coverage]. Naukovi pratsi. Komp'yuterni tekhnologii (Scientific works. Computer technologies), 237(225), 5-10.

Martsenyuk, V. P., Andrushchak, I. Y., & Stakhanska, О. O. (2014). Rozrobka ekspertnikh sistem na osnovi tekhnologii Data mining [Development of expert systems based on Data mining technology]. In Zdobutki klinichnoi ta eksperimental'noi meditsini [Achievements in clinical and experimental medicine]. Materials of the final scientific-practical conference (Ternopil, 21 May 2014) (pp. 141-142). Ternopil: Medkniga.

Martsenyuk V. P., Kravets', N. O., Semenets A. V., Vakulenko, D. V., Sverstyuk A. S., Klimuk, N. Y., Sarabun, R. O., & Kuchvara, О. M. (2015). Pro pidkhodi do vprovadzhennya emr-sistem v galuzi okhoroni zdorov'ya Ukraini [About approaches to introduction of emr-systems in the field of public health services in Ukraine]. In Zdobutki klinichnoi ta eksperimental'noi meditsini [Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine]: Materials of final scientific conference dedicated to the memory of the rector, cor. member of NAMS Ukraine, prof. L. A. Kovalchuk (Ternopil, 17 June, 2015) (pp. 259-260). Ternopil: Medkniga.

Martsenyuk, V. P., & Selskyy, P. R. (2013). Efektivnist' vikoristannya informatsiinikh ta telemedichnikh tekhnologii na pervinnomu rivni nadannya medichnoi dopomogi [Efficiency of using information and telemedicine technologies at the primary level of medical care]. In Informatizatsiya reabilitatsiinogo protsesu [Informatization of rehabilitation process]. Materials of the scientific-practical conference with international participation (pp. 66-67).

Martsenyuk, V. P., & Selskyy, P. R. (2013). Efektivnist'

vikoristannya telemedichnikh tekhnologii dlya pokrashchennya yakosti likuval'no-diagnostichnoi roboti na pervinnomu rivni [Efficiency of using telemedicine technologies to improve the quality of medical and diagnostic work at the primary level.]. Aktual'ni pitannya farmatsevtichnoi i medichnoi nauki ta praktiki [Topical issues of pharmaceutical and medical science and practice], 12(3), 53-54.

Martsenyuk, V. P., Selskyy, P. R., Semenets A. V., & Chekanov, S. B. (2013) Rozrobka i vprovadzhennya informatsiinoi sistemi zapisu (samozapisu) patsiientiv na konsul'tatsiyu do fakhivtsiv universitets'koi likami [Development and implementation of an information recording system (self-recording) of patients for consultation with specialists of the University Hospital]. Ukrains'kii zhurnal telemeditsini ta medichnoi telematiki (Ukrainian journal of telemedicine and medical telematics), 11(2), 173-178.

Martsenyuk, V. P., Semenets, A. V., Sverstyuk, A. S., Kovalchuk, O. Y., & Kravets, N. O. (2003). Pro informatsiinu model' intelektual'no medichnoi bazi danikh [On the information model of the intelligent medical database]. In International scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Computers. Programs. The Internet. 2003". (Kyiv, 21-23 April, 2003). Abstracts (p. 46).

Nakonechny, O. H., Martsenyuk, V. P., & Andrushchak, I. Y. (2015). Metodi priinyattya rishen', optimizatsii ta keruvannya v sistemi pidtrimki medichnikh doslidzhen' [Decision-making methods, optimization and control system supporting medical research]. In XXV International Conference "Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2015)" (May 11-15, 2014, Skhidnytsya, Ukraine). Abstracts (pp. 12-13). Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko National University.

Nakonechny, O. H., Martsenyuk, V. P., & Andrushchak, I. Y. (2014). Informatsiini tekhnologii priinyattya rishen', optimizatsii ta keruvannya v sistemnikh medichnikh doslidzhennyakh [Information technologies for decision-making, optimization and management in systemic medical research]. Lutsk: LNTU.

Nakonechny, O. H., Martsenyuk, V. P., Baranyuk, I. O., & Sverstyuk, A. S. (2004). Pro programno-tekhnichnii kompleks pidtrimki naukovikh medichnikh doslidzhen' [About the program-technical complex for the support of scientific medical research]. In Medichni tekhnologii i vishcha osvita (Medical technology and higher education). Materials of the I All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference (Lutsk, 28 May, 2004) (pp. 92-97).

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Lyapandra, A. S., Martsenyuk, V. P., Gvozdetska, I. S., & Szklarczyk R. (2015). Qualitative analysis of compartmental dynamic system using decision-tree induction. In 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS) (pp. 688-692). Ternopil: IEEE.

Martsenyuk, V. P., Andrushchak, I. Y., Gandzyuk, N. M., Klymuk, N. Y., Kuchvara, O. M., & Mayhruk, Z. V. (2012). Decision support system for medical system research. In E. Hajkova, J. Michalek, O. G. Nakonechny, & J. Neubauer (Eds.), XX International Conference PDMU-2012 Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (Brno, Czech Republic, September 17-21, 2012). Proceedings —Applied Papers (pp. 123-128). Brno: University of Defence, 2012.

Martsenyuk, V. P., Andrushchak, I. Y., & Kuchvara O. M. (2015). UML-modeling of decision support system for medical research. Medichna informatika ta inzheneriya (Medical informatics and engineering), 2, 27-34.

Martsenyuk, V. P., Martsenyuk, O. M., & Andrushchak, I. Y. (2014). Mathematical tools for decision support system of medical system research under uncertainties. In XXIV International Conference "Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2014)"(September 1-5, 2014, Chesky Rudolets, Chech Republic). Abstracts (pp. 11-13).

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Semenets, A. V., & Martsenyuk, V. P. (2015). On the CDSS platform development for the open-source MIS OpenEMR. Medichna informatika ta inzheneriya (Medical informatics and engineering), 3, 22-40.

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Як цитувати

Martsenyuk, V. P., & Andrushchak, I. Y. (2017). ПРО РОЗРОБКУ ІНФОРМАЦІЙНОЇ СИСТЕМИ ДЛЯ МЕДИЧНОГО РЯТІВНИЦТВА НА ОСНОВІ МІКРОСЕРВІСНОЇ АРХІТЕКТУРИ. Медична інформатика та інженерія, (1). https://doi.org/10.11603/mie.1996-1960.2017.1.7667


