


spatial trigger waves, inflammation distribution, anastasis, concave trigger waves, excitable environment, mathematical modeling, nuclear transcription factor NF-kB.


Background. In a number of previous articles, we dwelt on the special importance of trigger processes in biology and medicine [1-3]. The importance of trigger effects in apoptosis has also been emphasized [2, 3]. The latest research allows us to consider systemic biological processes from another side. Spatial trigger waves are a biological phenomenon that explains the inclusion and transmission of information quickly, reliably, and at significant distances.

Results. The role of spatial trigger waves in the processes of apoptosis, anastasis, the development of inflammation, as well as the recurrence of an acute inflammatory reaction and other events is considered. It was postulated that the main features of the NF-kB regulatory network are the spatial combination of the functioning of fast positive feedback loops and slow negative feedback, which is necessary for active propagation of cytokine waves. It has also been postulated that NF-kB is involved in the mechanism responsible for the propagation of trigger waves and for fairly reliable signal generation, providing short exposures of the toxic effect of the produced cytokines.

Conclusions. The available data suggest that NF-kB is a system component involved in the mechanism of generation of chemoattractant propagation waves — cytokines. It has been suggested that anastasis is associated with the spread of trigger concave spiral waves, which carry energy from the periphery to the center of the processes of reversing apoptosis.


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