
  • O. M. Shevtsova Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • Ya. O. Shevchenko Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • A. S. Feshchenko Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • T. Yu. Dubinina Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • N. V. Myronenko Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • N. O. Sinyenko Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine
  • P. P. Ganynets «Suzir'ya» Ltd Spa resort «Kvitka Polonyny»
  • O. V. Sarkanych «Suzir'ya» Ltd Spa resort «Kvitka Polonyny»
  • O. O. Sukhanova Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education



SMART-education strategy, mobile technologies, educational environment, training of doctors and pharmacists, postgraduate medical education, continuous professional development of doctors and pharmacists, formal and informational education, interdisciplin


The main principles and prospects for using the new education strategy, which was named by SMART, are considered. It is shown that the most important principle of medical postgraduate SMART-education is to ensure its competence-oriented orientation, that is, constant updating of the content of training. It is emphasized that the solutions to the problems of SMART education are related to two areas: the recognition of the need to combine formal and informal learning and the intellectualization of knowledge transfer processes.


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How to Cite

Shevtsova, O. M., Shevchenko, Y. O., Feshchenko, A. S., Dubinina, T. Y., Myronenko, N. V., Sinyenko, N. O., … Sukhanova, O. O. (2018). PROSPECTS OF USING THE SMART-STRATEGY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (3).


