


systems biology, aging, molecular mechanisms, mathematic modeling.


Background. The phenomenon of aging includes a group of interrelated processes occurring at the organism, tissue, cellular and molecular genetics levels. It has long been suggested that aging is closely related to the complex dynamics of physiological systems that support homeostasis and, in particular, to the deregulation of regulatory molecular networks. The paper presents evidence of the importance of the dynamics of such complex systems during aging and the fact that physiological deregulation (the gradual destruction of the ability of complex regulatory networks to maintain homeostasis) is an emergent property of these networks that plays an important role in old age.

Purpose. The purpose of this review is to summarize the existing concepts about the main determinants of aging and longevity, as well as to consider the trends in the development of mathematical models of aging processes.

Results. Materials and methods. It is shown that the lack of integrated translational research in the development of systemic medicine and systemic biology is one of the main factors limiting the provision of modern means in solving the problem of anti-aging. Among the main factors of aging, attention is drawn to the fact that exposure to mitochondria is an attractive prospect for achieving improved health and longevity, since the rejuvenation of old, mitochondria can be an important therapeutic strategy for improving the health of older people.

Conclusion. It is also postulated that the speed and ease of integrating modern software systems for modeling biological systems allow researchers to study large models, including their interaction in multidimensional formats with ensembles of small models.


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