stress, stress factors, integral assessments, information technologies, continuous professional development of doctors, coping process, test control of knowledge, stress prediction, stress prevention.Abstract
The methods of quantitative and integral assessment of the stress of doctors in the process of testing their knowledge during the attestation are analyzed. The problems, which arise during research of stresses in educational activity, are grounded. The analysis of theoretical and empirical studies of the stressful states in doctors during the course of continuous professional development made it possible to postulate that the signs of a stressful state in doctors during the examinations were well studied, but their identification and the level of conformity of stress has no mathematical proof. Therefore, it is considered that stress management is possible only through the use of individual prognostic characteristics on the basis of statistical simulation. The general criteria for assessing the stress state according to objective indicators are presented. It is shown that the achievement of objective assessments of competence, knowledge and skills of doctors during computer testing depends entirely on ensuring effective adaptation to the external and internal circumstances of the exam. It is also postulated that an integral part of the process of computer exam is its complementary to the personality organization of the process, resulting in the emotional perception of the learning process will be positive, examinations will form a positive self-esteem, the process of learning will become systematic and coherent.References
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