
  • J. V. Marushko
  • A. O. Asonov



Diseases of the digestive tract are one of the urgent probiems of modern paediatrics. The negative roie of zinc deficiency in the formation of digestive
diseases is being demonstrated in recent years. The purpose of the work. Optimize the treatment of chronic gastroduodenitis in chiidren on the background zinc deficiency by increasing gastroprotective properties by prescribing zinc. Materiais and methods. The study inciuded 8б chiidren with chronic gastroduodenitis in the acute stage and a iow content of zinc in hair, aged б to 17 years. A study of zinc in hair by X-ray fiuorescence spectrometry, and a study of zinc content in serum of 39 chiidren by spectrai atomic absorption method, evaiuation cytoprotective properties of gastric mucosai barrier by determining the ieveis of fucose and protein gastric mucus of 24 chiidren. For the differentiated treatment in the second phase, patients were divided into 2 groups: group I (study) - 4 4 chiidren with CGD that in addition
to treatment of gastroduodenitis second stage of treatment, further received 45.0 mg of eiementai zinc as zinc suiphate for 1 month; the second group (controi) - 42 chiidren, initiaiiy heid as therapy and patients of the first group and the second phase of zinc preparations were appiied. Resuits. In the study group after treatment was observed significantiy fewer manifestations of the syndrome of chronic nonspecific toxicity than the comparison group, the rate of zinc serum ieveis reached normai vaiuesand amounted to 12,72±0,35 mmoi / i, whiiethe comparison group of chiidren with the impact was reduced - 10,17±0,45 mmoi /i (p<0.05). The content of fucose and protein in gastric
mucus in the study group after treatment was significantiy higher than the controi group and reached thefoiiowing vaiues as heaithy. Conciusions. The use of zinc suiphate in the treatment of chronic gastroduodenitis in chiidren with zinc deficiency contributes to the restoration gastroprotective properties and increases ievei of serum zinc.


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How to Cite

Marushko, J. V., & Asonov, A. O. (2015). COMPLEX TREATMENT OF CHRONIC GASTRODUODENITIS IN CHILDREN WITH ADDITION OF ZINC SULPHATE. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1).

