
  • A. V. Boichuk
  • O. O. Berehuliak
  • A. Yu. Franchuk
  • O. I. Khlibovska
  • B. M. Behosh




postovariectomic syndrome, density investigation, bone tissue mineral density


 We observed 139 women delated to 5 clinical groups. The control group consisted of 30 healthy women in menopausal ages. The basic group consisted of 109 women with fibromyoma , 90 of them were operated (hysterovarioectomy) and delated in 3 groups:I-30 women who were not taking hormonal therapy; II -30 women who were taking traditional hormonal therapy; III -30 women who were taking new complex of treatment. To prove the condinion of bones tissue by density investigation of lumbal spine before and after operation. In our research we found that new complex of hormonal therapy and phytotherapy of postcastrative syndrome was more effectiveness than traditional hormonal therapy resulting in the bone tissue mineral density changes.


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How to Cite

Boichuk, A. V., Berehuliak, O. O., Franchuk, A. Y., Khlibovska, O. I., & Behosh, B. M. (2018). EFFECTIVENESS CORRECTION CHANGES OF BONETISSUE IN WOMEN AFTER HYSTEROVARIOECTOMY. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1). https://doi.org/10.11603/24116-4944.2009.1.9659

