
  • I. S. Smiian
  • O. Ye. Fedortsiv
  • V. B. Furdela
  • L. A. Volynska
  • S. S. Levenets




diabetes mellitus type 1, children, cardiovascular complications, low ionized calcium level in the blood, vegetative disbalance


This article deals with the results of examination of 60 children with diabetes mellitus typel. The low ionized calcium level in the blood has been reveled in 63,3 % inspected and diabetic osteopathy - in 60,8 %. The cardiac disordes and the disturbance of periferal hemodinamics on preclinical and functional stages of microangiopathy and angiopathy of lower limbs in children with type 1 diabetes correlate with intensification of the sympathetic innervation heart’s activity, low ionized calcium level in the blood and osteopathy has been showed. Were performed, that disordes of calcium metabolism and vegetative homoeostasis are associate and play an important role in development of angiopathy and diabetic cardiomiopathy.


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How to Cite

Smiian, I. S., Fedortsiv, O. Y., Furdela, V. B., Volynska, L. A., & Levenets, S. S. (2018). DIABETIC CARDIOVASCULAR COMPLICATIONS IN CHILDREN ARE DEPENT ON VEGETATION DISBELENSE AND DISORDES OF CALCIUM METABOLISM. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2). https://doi.org/10.11603/24116-4944.2008.2.9516

