Tubai pregnancy refers to the pathoiogy that determines how maternai mortaiity and reproductive iosses. The frequency of this disease is 2 % of registered pregnancies and 0.8-2.4 % of the chiidbirth. The most frequent causes of ectopic pregnancy inciude inflammatory diseases of the peivic organs, they make up 42-80 %, increases the iikeiihood of ectopic pregnancy and abortions carried surgery on peivic organs. Assisted 85 patient with ectopic pregnancy. The anaiysis resuits aiiowed us to determine the characteristic frequency of compiaints, uitrasound criteria for ectopic pregnancy, as weii as changes inieveis of HGT. Based on these resuits and taking into account the forms of tubai pregnancy were appiied different methods of treatment. Created and appiied an aigorithm of ectopic pregnancy. In rehabiiitation period, there was conduct of stepped compiex therapy aimed at reproductive function restoring (fibrinoiytic and anti-infiammatory treatment with Serrata®, physiotherapeutic procedures, and heaith resort treatment).
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