
  • O. V. Kravchenko
  • S. J. Tkachyk



Under observation there were 42 pregnant women with twins, who had
deiivery in RKMH #2 in Chernivtsi in 201З. According to the Ist uitrasound screening dyhorionic dyamniotic (DHDA) twins had been diagnosed in 24 women (57.1 %), monohorionic dyamniotic (MHDA) - 18 pregnant women (42.8 %), monohorionic monoamniotic (MHMA) twins had not been diagnosed. Compiications during this pregnancy has been diagnosed in ЗЗ women (78.5 %). Vaginai birth in muitipie pregnancies occurred in 50% of cases (21 women). Caesarean section has been performed in 21 pregnant women, aiso50 %.
Studies have shown that number of preterm deiivery increases to 40.4 % in muitipie pregnancy, the ievei of the disease in three times greater in MHDA than in DHDA. The frequency of operative deiivery in muitipie pregnancies is 50 %. The predominant indications for caesarean section were breech presentation and maiposition (47.2 %). The frequency of stiiibirth is higher than the average popuiation vaiues in 2 times in pregnancy with twins. Reduction of perinatai mortaiity in muitipie pregnancies iscioseiy iinked to the prevention of preterm deiivery and fetai diagnostic improvement of the fetus.


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How to Cite

Kravchenko, O. V., & Tkachyk, S. J. (2015). INTRAPARTUM RISKS OF MULTIPLE PREGNANCY. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1).

