
  • T. V. Hyshchak




The primary arterial hypertension (PAH) pathogenesis in children, particularly the role of melatonin and Cortisol, is discussed in the article. We examined 64 children 11-16 years old with various forms of PAH according to the daily blood pressure monitoring (ABPM ) and ЗО children of control group with normal blood pressure (BP). A concentration of 6- sulfatoxymelatonin (6- SOMT) and "free" cortisol in day and night urine were determined in all children. It was revealed that PAH in children 11-16 years old is accompanied by epiphysis melatonin produсtion disturbances , which is manifested by increased daily excretion of 6-SOMT in the urine and by decreased its nocturnal excretion to ЗО,68±4,76 ng/ml in children with labile PAH and increased nocturnal excretion to
52,О2±2,7О ng/ml in children with stable PAH.Epiphysis melatoninprodutive function increases as a compensatory response to increased cortisol level, which urinary excretion in children with stable PAH was within 157,59±12,О ng/ml for a daytime period and 11О,З7±7,9З ng/ml for a night-time period. The crisis PAH is formed in the case of relatively low night melatonin production compared to its daily production. The stabilization of hypertension is formed in the case of relatively high night-time melatonin production. Decreased ratio of night melatonin excretion to its day excretion and decreased ratio of day cortisol excretion to its nocturnal excretion are factors in the formation of insufficient nocturnal BP reduction in children with PAH.


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How to Cite

Hyshchak, T. V. (2015). A PATHOGENETIC ROLE OF MELATONIN AND CORTISOL IN A PRIMARY ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION FORMATION IN CHILDHOOD. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1). https://doi.org/10.11603/24116-4944.2014.1.6610

