
  • H. S. Senatorova
  • A. D. Boychenko
  • I. Y. Kondratova



A totai of 104 «reiativeiy» heaithy newborns in the first days of iife examined. Redistribution of ieftventricuiar phase fiiiing with the prevaience of eariy
diastoiic fiiiing and an increase in the ratio of eariy and iate transmitrai fiow is observed in the eariy neonatai period. Discovered parameters of transmitrai fiow can be considered to be standard for newborns.


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How to Cite

Senatorova, H. S., Boychenko, A. D., & Kondratova, I. Y. (2015). STANDARD INDICATORS PROBLEMS OF DIASTOLIC FUNCTION OF THE LEFT VENTRICLE IN NEWBORNS:. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1).

