prolonged pregnancy, risk factors, labour.Abstract
Prolonged pregnancy (PP) and labour are considered as a complex biological process closely associated with such factors as chronological prolongation of pregnancy, onset and duration of labour, conditions of a fetus and a fetoplacental complex. The urgency of this problem is due to significant physiological changes of an intricate biological mother-placenta-fetus system that lead to multiple complications during prolonged labour, as well as to a highneonatal morbidity and perinatal mortality of postmature infants. The frequency of PP is 3,5-13,5% with an average 8-10% from total labour. Such factors as childhood infectious diseases, inflammatory pelvic diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, endocrine disorders, and maternal age over 30 years contribute significantly to PP. Early toxicosis, threatened miscarriage, preeclampsia, placental dysfunction and oligohydramnios are not rare during PP. In addition, premature rupture of fetal membranes, weakness of labor, bleeding, operative delivery, and fetal distress often complicate labour. A comprehensive study of etiopathogenesis of post-term pregnancy is topical and
perspective. Identification of pregnant women with greater risk of PP and its level estimation will help us to develop an algorithm of effective
care during the pregnancy and childbirth.
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