
  • L. B. Markin
  • L. M. Yashchenko



prolonged and post-term pregnancy, placenta, amnion.


We conducted dynamic monitoring of 15 pregnant since their admission to hospital until the extract after labor. Women are divided into 3 groups: the first – 5 – women with prolonged pregnancy – 41 week; the second -5 women with post-term pregnancy – 42 weeks; the third – 5 women with physiological pregnancy. Criteria of inclusion into the investigation: singleton pregnancy, gestational age >280 days, the absence of severe extragenital pathology, post-term pregnancy history. All pregnant women were examined in full clinical laboratory capacity. During the research the following investigations were conducted: general clinical (clinical and medical history, laboratory), special:ultrasound with Doppler, cardiotocography, morphological studies of placenta and amniotic membranes. It is shown that in 60 % of women with prolonged pregnancy in history childhood infectious diseases were observed (measles, scarlet fever, mumps). The average age of menarche in women with prolonged pregnancy and post-term was 15±0.5 years. In 40 % of pregnant women with post-term pregnancy mild anemia was revealed (Hb-98-100 g/l). During childbirth in 60 % of women with post-term and in 40% with prolonged pregnancy premature discharge of amniotic fluid was observed. Morphological studies have shown that dystrophic changes in the placenta and in vessels of fetal-placental system with structural changes of hemochorial (placental barrier) may be one of the reasons of pregnancy prolongation and risk factors of negative impact on the vital functions of the fetus.


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How to Cite

Markin, L. B., & Yashchenko, L. M. (2016). PROLONGED AND POST-TERM PREGNANCY. CLINICAL AND MORPHOLOGI CAL ASPECTS. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1).

