
  • N. V. Kalashnyk
  • A. B. Sukhariev
  • T. V. Babar
  • T. V. Kopytsia



chlamydiosis, infection, treatment, microscopy.


In this paper there was investigated the effectiveness of the drugs Sumamed (azithromycin active ingredient), clarithromycin (macrolide antibiotic) chlamidiosis treatment. These data suggest that the drug Clarithromycin compared to Sumamed is a smaller percentage cured( according to PCR after 2 weeks of treatment, operty group is 93.3 %, in the second group – 96.6 %. Studies cure rates in 2 years according to the PCR results, 70 % of women І group and 93.3 % – II group had chlamydia. In patients who took the first drug, there was a higher percentage of adverse reactions and the recurrence rate is 4.,3 times higher than in patients who took sumamed. Therefore, taking into account the results of the study, we recommend that the treatment regimen selected for group II patients (etiotropic therapy drug Sumamed) because when using it is observed the best results of cure, adverse reactions almost never occur and the risk of relapse is minimized.


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How to Cite

Kalashnyk, N. V., Sukhariev, A. B., Babar, T. V., & Kopytsia, T. V. (2016). CURRENT APPROACHES TO TREATMENT OF CHLAMYDIOSIS. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1).

