
  • O. H. Danylenko



nondeveloping pregnancy, viral-bacterial load, genetic screening.


This article presents the results of research whose purpose was to determine the causes of missed in the early stages of pregnancy before 12 weeks. Pregnancy which is not evolving means the death of theembryon at different stages of pregnancy , usually in the first trimester, and is a component of reproductive losses of a uniform rate of 10-20 % of all pregnancies that are desired . Causes of missed pregnancies polyetiological, and the frequency of this pathology has a consistently high level , so undeniable urgency of the problem and ways to improve the diagnosis, treatment and prevention remains the subject of further research. The conducted post factum inspection of the presence of infectious agents in a group of women with miscarriage and nondeveloping pregnancy. Also studied the resulting of abortive material for infectious agents and cytogenetic . According to the results of the conducted studies found infection in 67.87 % of spontaneous abortions and in 58.3 % of cases in women with non developed pregnancy. The highest percentage in both groups is a viral infection, according HSV1 /2 42.85 %and 35.3 % and CMV 28,57% and 35 3%. During the cytogenetic study of chorion were detected genetic changes , which made the highest percentage of chromosomal aberrations and amounted in group to 47.8% and 38.6 %. Another significant pathology is a genetic polymorphism that according to groups representing 26.1 % and 30.7%. In the study of contamination of chorion discovered herpesvirus infection in 38.9 % of cases of miscarriage and in 48.15 % of cases of nondeveloping pregnancy; CMV- infection detected respectively in 33.3 % and 40.74 % of cases. This contingent of patients is at risk , which is prehravidary training would be recomended with regard to all aspects etiopathogenetical - complecs course of anti-inflammatory therapy considering to pathogens and genetic screening and genetic counseling.


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How to Cite

Danylenko, O. H. (2014). PATHOGENETIC ASPECTS OF PREGNANCY THAT IS NOT DEVELOPING. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2).

