caries, caries intensity, the prevalence of dental caries.Abstract
The study of the prevalence and intensity of caries in 6 -year-old children in Ternopil, which is an area of hipoftoroz confirmed literature data of a high prevalence of dental caries in preschool children. The results showed that the prevalence of dental caries among 6 -year-olds was 75 %, which is high for this age group. Conducted a survey of children and their parents showed that regularly brush their teeth only 36.6 %. These results were confirmed by a survey research indexes hygiene Silness-loe and Stallard, pointing to a low enough level of oral hygiene. To confirm the results obtained above sighting study conducted by the intensity decay parameters depending on the regularity of oral health care . The results showed that the highest rates of intensity decay were found in children who do not brush their teeth.
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