локальне непрогресуюче відшарування хоріона та плаценти, недиференційована дисплазія сполучної тканини, перебіг вагітності та пологів.Abstract
Nowadays, the role of vascular endothelium, vasoactive factors in the development and course of gestational complications of local non-progressive detachment of the placenta and chorion remains understudied. The study surveys 80 women diagnosed with premature placental chorion in the first trimester of pregnancy. Qualitative determination of levels of undifferentiated dysplasia of connective tissue and vascular endothelial growth factor in the serum of pregnant women allows to assess the extent of dysadaptation of placenta and to predict the severity of possible perinatal outcomes. The conducted studies have found that pregnant women at risk (the first experimental group) for the development of placental dysfunction show an inadequately decreased production of vascular endothelial growth factor. In addition, the study of the dynamics of the growth of neurospecific enolase synthesis during gestation showed high rates of indicators of the given neurotransmitter in patients of the research groups already in the middle of the second and early third trimester followed by its dynamic increase in the manifestation of clinical signs of gestational complications. The level of vascular endothelial growth factor and neurospecific enolase in serum may be both an early prognostic marker characterizing the initial signs of the defection of trophoblast invasion and a prognostic transmitter that is detected long before the clinical manifestation of gestational complications and placental dysfunction.
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