
  • I. V. Korda
  • S. V. Khmil
  • A. S. Khmil




fertility, older reproductive age, ART.


With age female fertility significantly reduces mainly by reducing the number and quality of oocytes. Endocrine function of ovaries also undergoes influence of age and is unable to maintain neuroendocrine regulation. Perhaps the age-related changes begin primarily in the hypothalamic-pituitary area, but it needs further research. Age-related changes occur in the tissues of the uterus, especially the endometrium, which is unable to provide adequate support for the development and implantation of the embryo.

Author Biography

I. V. Korda



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How to Cite

Korda, I. V., Khmil, S. V., & Khmil, A. S. (2015). FERTILITY PROBLEMS IN WOMEN OF OLDER REPRODUCTIVE AGE (LITERATURE REVIEW). Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2). https://doi.org/10.11603/24116-4944.2015.2.4790

