
  • O. Ye. Fedortsiv
  • l. B. Chornomydz
  • T. M. Kosovska



fungal pneumonia in children, pneumomycosis, antifungal agents.


The article presents current views on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical and diagnosis of fungal lung lesions in children. All adduced data are based on a review of current scientific research and recommendations of domestic and foreign authors. Information in article contains practical advice for physicians and allows to pay more attention to the problem of fungal lung injury, which in recent years has become increasingly urgent.


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How to Cite

Fedortsiv, O. Y., Chornomydz, l. B., & Kosovska, T. M. (2015). FUNGAL PNEUMONIA IN CHILDREN: GENERAL PROVISIONS (LITERATURE REVIEW). Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2).

