
  • V. I. Pokhylko
  • O. O. Kaliuzhka
  • O. B. Kozakevych




bronchopulmonary dysplasia, psychoemotional development, morbidity, GSTT1, GSTM1, GSTR1 genes.


The purpose of the present paper was to study the morbidity and development of premature infants with BPD in the first two years of life and to identify risk factors including G3T genespolymorphisms that are significantly associated with the negative outcomes of BPD. A cohort prospective study included 33 children with BPD who were discharged from Poltava children hospitals during 2010-2013. Their psychoemotional and statokinetic development in 6,12,18 and 24 months of life were studied. Incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis and pneumonia in the same ages was reviewed. The rate of detection of polymorphism G3TT1, G3TM1 and G3TR1 genes was studied. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted in order to study the relationship between certain independent variables, clinical and genetic factors. Deletion of glutathione-3-transferas polymorphism is not associated with statokinetic and psychoemotional development of children with BPD and with increased rate of acute infectious respiratory diseases during the first two years of life. Psychoemotional development of childrenwith BPD was significantly associated with the duration of mechanical ventilation (OR 1.269; 95 % CI 1.01-1.603, p=0.045) and not associated with other factors (birth weight, gestational age, providing calories after 28 days of life, providing protein at 28 days of life, male). There was no significant effect of clinical and genetic factors on the development of premature infants with BPD and rate of acute infectious respiratory diseases. Further studies on larger cohort of patients are needed to find clinical and genetic factors that influence on adverse developmental and clinical outcomes in children with BPD.


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How to Cite

Pokhylko, V. I., Kaliuzhka, O. O., & Kozakevych, O. B. (2015). EFFECT OF GENE POLYMORPHI3M FAMILY GLUTATHIONE-3-TRAN3FERA3E3 IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND MORBIDITY OF PREMATURE INFANT3 WITH BRONCHOPULMONARY DY3PLA3IA. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1). https://doi.org/10.11603/24116-4944.2015.1.4678

