
  • L. A. Ivanova




bronchial asthma, airway inflammation, treatment efficacy.


Order to increase efficiency of medical measures during the exacerbation of severe bronchial asthma in schoolchildren based on the peculiarities of relief therapy of asthma attack were examined 70 patients with severe asthma and 92 their peers with moderate variant of disease. Was established that patients of I group during an attack of severe asthma used systemic corticosteroids significantly more times (85.7±4.1 %), than patients of comparison group 56.5±5.2% (P<0.05). Schoolchildren with severe asthma (37.1±5.7 %) used short-acting в-2 agonists in combination with systemic corticosteroids twice more often than their peers with moderate variant of disease (15.2±3,6 %, p<0.05). It is shown that the absolute risk reduction of systemic corticosteroids use in children with moderate disease to compare of severe asthma patients was 29.2 %, relative risk reduction - 34.1 % and NNT - 3.4 patients. It is proved that bronchial obstruction during the first three days of exacerbation significantly too severe in children with severe asthma and expressive bronchial inflammation than in patients with moderate intensity of airway inflammation. Absolute risk reduction of the use of corticosteroids and euphylline in patients, who suffered from severe asthma with "fast" acetylation to compare of children with «slow» acetylation, was 4.2 % and 25.7 %, relative risk reduction - 5.0 % and 34.9 % and NNT - 23.8 and 3.9, respectively.


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How to Cite

Ivanova, L. A. (2015). EFFICIENCY OF MEDICAL ACTIONS DURING THE SEVERE BRONCHIAL ASTHMA EXACERBATION IN SCHOOLCHILDREN. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1). https://doi.org/10.11603/24116-4944.2015.1.4663

