
  • A. A. Yefanova
  • N. V. Myshyna
  • N. A. Alifirenko



infants, breast milk, high-adapted milk formula.


This article discusses the aspects of functional nutrition of infants for the prevention and treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis. Among the large number of unfavorable factors, that have a significant impact on the health of the child, the improper feeding occupies a special place. Derangement of the infant nutrition organization is one of the main causes of the alimentary-related diseases. The optimal aliment for the infant is the breast milk, which corresponds to the character of baby's alimentary system and metabolic activity; it also provides the development of the children's organism in context of nursing mother's balanced diet. Now prevalence and duration of breastfeeding isn't so high so that children are often transferred to the bottle and supplementing breastfeeding. This creates the condition for the formation of disturbances of the gastrointestinal microbiocenosis in case of nonadaptive formula using. One of the possible solutions of a problem of infant's dysbiosis is using of the high-adapted milk formulas, which are enriched with prebiotics. Supplemental prebiotics in milk formulas allow the reproducing of the action of breast milk oligosaccharides, normalizing of the structure of intestinal microflora and optimizing of the alimentary processes.


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How to Cite

Yefanova, A. A., Myshyna, N. V., & Alifirenko, N. A. (2015). MODERN APPROACHES ТО FUNCTIONAL NUTRITION OF INFANTS. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1).

