prenatal infection, premature newborns, herpes virus infection.Abstract
Prenatal infection at the present stage are one of the major problems of obstetrics and perinatology. Issues of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of prenatal infections to date have not been studied sufficiently, and still remain part of the modern perinatology, which requires in-depth study. Therefore, the aim of our study was to investigate clinical and laboratory markers for early diagnosis of prenatal infection in premature newborns. In the course of the study were examined 43 premature newborn child at the age of 1 day and again on the 15th day, conducted a retrospective analysis of medical and obstetric history of the mothers of these newborns. Studies have shown a role of maternal infection not only in the formation of a complicated pregnancy, premature birth, and in the development of prenatal infection, intrauterine development of the fetus, but also in reducing the adaptive capacity of the newborn in the early neonatal period. To improve the effectiveness of early diagnosis of prenatal infection in premature newborns born to mothers with risk factors, it is recommended to take cord blood at birth and venous blood at birth and again at 15th day to identify the etiology of prenatal infections by polymerase chain reaction.
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