


children, atopic dermatitis, complication, treatment, vitamin D


The aim of the study - to study the effectiveness of the use of vitamin D in the treatment of complicated atopic dermatitis in children.

Materials and Methods. We examined 83 children with atopic dermatitis. The patients were aged from 3 to 5 years. The level of 25(OH)D in the blood serum was determined as an indicator of vitamin D supply in the children's body. Determination of 25(OH)D was carried out using the electrochemiluminescence method on the Eleksys 2010 analyzer (Roche Diagnostics, Germany) of the Sobas test system.

Results and Discussion. Of all 83 children with atopic dermatitis, 8 patients (16.3±5.2%) had a mild degree of the disease, 33 patients (52.4±7.8%) had an average degree of severity of the disease, and 42 patients (31.0 ±7.1%) were diagnosed with severe disease. Of all examined patients with atopic dermatitis, complications in the form of pyoderma were observed in 42 patients with a severe form. Among children with atopic dermatitis who had complications in the form of pyoderma, there was a group of children (22 patients) who took vitamin D3 in complex therapy and a control group (20 patients) who did not have vitamin D3 in complex treatment. As a result of comparing the initial level of 25(OH)D in the blood serum of patients, after the use of 2000 IU of vitamin D3 for 6 months, after the summer and after taking cholecalciferol in increased doses (4000 IU) for 2 months, a significant difference between the indicators according to the Friedman criterion was established (λ2=41.211; p<0.05). The use of vitamin D in children with atopic dermatitis contributed to a decrease in the frequency of exacerbations during the year, a decrease in the duration of the exacerbation of the disease and the duration of a bacterial complication in the form of pyoderma were observed, and it also allowed to reduce the use of antibiotic therapy in the treatment of the complication, compared with a group of children who did not take vitamin D.

Conclusion. Thus, supplementation with vitamin D is necessary for children with atopic dermatitis complicated by pyoderma, which will positively influence the course of the disease and improve the patient's condition in general.

Author Biographies

O. V. Tiazhka, Bogomolets National Medical University

MD, PhD, Professor, The department of pediatrics 1, Bogomolets National Medical University

Z. V. Selska, Bogomolets National Medical University

PhD, The department of pediatrics 1, Bogomolets National Medical University


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How to Cite

Tiazhka, O. V., & Selska, Z. V. (2024). VITAMIN D IN THE TREATMENT OF COMPLICATED ATOPIC DERMATITIS IN CHILDREN. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1), 97–100.

