overweight, obesity, infertility, reproductive function, liraglutide, vitamin DAbstract
The aim of the study - to optimise dietary strategies and therapeutic and prophylactic approaches to the restoration of reproductive function disorders in overweight women.
Materials and Methods. The effectiveness of the treatment and prevention program was evaluated in two groups of patients with excess body weight and impaired reproductive function: a personalized complex of dietary strategies and medication, taking into account the comorbidity of clinical conditions and risk factors was offered to the main group (50 patients); and generally accepted approaches were offered to the patients of comparison group (50 women). A special questionnaire and anthropometric study of indicators (weight, height, waist and hip circumference with determination of their ratio, body mass index) were applied.
Results and Discussion. It should be noted the effectiveness of the proposed therapy, which was manifested in a decrease in the severity of abdominal obesity and a reduction of body weight by an average of 12.2±3.3 kg (14.6 %), statistically significant from the baseline. There was a significant improvement in lipid metabolism, a positive trend in the correction of hypertriglyceridemia and normalisation of liver transaminases. 70.0 % of the patients showed normalisation of the rhythm and nature of the menstrual cycle.
Conclusions. The combination of dietary strategies, dosed physical activity and medication complex, taking into account risk factors and comorbidity of somatic and gynecological pathology, made it possible to achieve a decrease in the severity of abdominal obesity, a reduction of body weight by 14.6 %, as well as a normalization of the rhythm and nature of the menstrual cycle after 6 months of therapy.
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