



dysmetabolic nephropathy, children, tissue hypoxia, calcium phosphates, calcium oxalates


The aim of the study – to determine the role of tissue hypoxia in children with dysmetabolic nephropathy in the pathogenesis of this pathology.

Materials and Methods. Two groups of children were examined: those with a complicated course of dysmetabolic nephropathy (cDMN), with the presence of an episode of inflammation of the urinary system in the past (group I – cDMN, 52 children), and dysmetabolic nephropathy with persistent crystalluria (group II – DMN, 56 children). Indicators characterizing the degree of tissue hypoxia of the renal parenchyma were determined in children of both groups: the anti-crystallizing ability of urine and the daily excretion of oxalates and phosphates in children, which not only verify the diagnosis of dysmetabolic nephropathy but also to diagnose the presence of tissue hypoxia of the renal parenchyma.

Results and Discussion. The analysis showed that the anti-crystallizing ability of urine to calcium oxalates and calcium phosphates was significantly reduced in all examined children of both groups, with a tendency to decrease more significantly in children with severe cDMN. In all 100.0 % of the examined children of both groups, the daily urinary excretion of calcium oxalates and calcium phosphates was significantly (2–3 times) higher, with a tendency to greater excretion in children with complicated courses of DMN.

Conclusions. The obtained data suggest that children with dysmetabolic nephropathy require antihypoxic agent therapy in the complex treatment of dysmetabolic nephropathy.

Author Biographies

N. R. Aib, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

assistant of the Department of Pediatrics at the IFNMU, doctor of pediatrics, nephrologist

N. S. Lukianenko, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University State Institution “National Institute of Hereditary Pathology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”

doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics of LNMU, pediatrician of the highest category

K. A. Kens, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

PhD, assistant of the Department of Pediatric Surgery


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How to Cite

Aib, N. R., Lukianenko, N. S., & Kens, K. A. (2025). TISSUE HYPOXIA OF THE RENAL PARENCHYMA IN CHILDREN WITH DYSMETABOLIC NEPHROPATHY. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2), 70–72. https://doi.org/10.11603/24116-4944.2024.2.14710

