chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, visualization, pelvic venocongestion, diagnosis of pelvic painAbstract
Chronic pelvic pain is a condition defined by pelvic pain for more than six months that is severe enough to cause functional disability or require treatment. Pelvic pain in women is a complex medical problem. For a variety of reasons, it creates complex physical and mental health problems for millions of women. The knock-on effect on the family and society is enormous, as these women struggle to maintain a quality of life while managing their condition. Management of chronic pelvic pain is a major challenge for both physicians and patients. When pain becomes a chronic condition, it is more difficult to assess and treat. Patients with chronic pelvic pain often have multiple factors contributing to their pain. Therefore, patients should be evaluated for both gynecologic and nongynecologic conditions, and more than one source of pain may be identified. This complexity of female pelvic pain delays and complicates diagnosis. Delays and misdiagnoses lead to significant patient frustration and mistrust of physicians. Unfortunately, this also leads to significant progression of the pelvic pain condition. Here we review an approach to the assessment of chronic pelvic pain in women. It is important to establish a relationship of trust between the patient and the doctor. When examining a patient with chronic pelvic pain, a thorough history and focused physical examination can localize the causes of the pain. Despite limitations, imaging and laboratory studies can aid in the differential diagnosis and next steps for invasive diagnosis and treatment.
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