menstrual dysfunction, chronic stress, vitamin D, quality of lifeAbstract
The aim of the study – to determine the level of vitamin D in women with MD against the background of CS, their impact on the quality of life of women and its correction.
Materials and Methods. 67 women of reproductive age (from 18 to 48 years old) with MD against the background of CS were examined: MD (abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB); oligomenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. In the control group, 30 women with PMF without pronounced signs of stress were studied. Manifestations of MD were studied, the level was determined vitamin D, indicators of liver and kidney function, women's quality of life was assessed.
Results and Discussion. A significant decrease in the level of vitamin D was detected, the obtained results confirm of the references. In patients of both groups, the influence of stressful factors was proportional. In women of both groups, a moderate level of reduction in quality of life was observed before treatment. The use of vitamin D in complex therapy contributed to a significant increase in the level of vitamin D. In group 2, the level of quality of life increased due to physical health. The obtained results correspond to the literature.
Conclusions. MD in the form of AUB, oligomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea are observed in women of reproductive age against the background of CS. Moreover, in 76.7 % of women in group 1 and in 70.3 % of patients in group 2, it was the debut of MD manifestations. In women with MD on the background of CS, there is a significant decrease in the level of 25-OH vitamin D in the blood. Complex therapy taking into account vitamin D deficiency ensures normalization of menstrual function in 72.9% of women, long-term remission of MD and improves the quality of life of patients.
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