



endometrial pathology, infertility, age categories, hysteroscopy


The aim of this study – to study the structure of endometrial pathology, its age-related and reproductive aspects in women who underwent hysteroscopic examination.

Materials and Methods. A retrospective study of the structure of endometrial pathology, its age-related and reproductive aspects was carried out in 1187 women who underwent hysteroscopic examination. Liquid hysteroscopy, ultrasonography, histological examination, and statistical processing methods were used.

Results and Discussion. The study of women of different age with endometrial pathology showed that women of active reproductive age made a majority (55.77 %), patients in the late reproductive and pre-menopausal period made one-third of the sample (36.31%), the least common were menopausal patients age (7.92 %). It turned out that in 55.8 % of cases women of active reproductive age were referred for hysteroscopy mainly because of infertility. A comparison of the structure of endometrial pathology depending on the form of infertility revealed that primary infertility is characterized by hyperplastic changes of the endometrium, while secondary infertility – by inflammatory processes. Women of late reproductive and premenopausal age have the greatest risks of endometrial hyperplasia and chronic endometritis.

Conclusions. It was discovered that endometrial polyps dominate the structure of endometrial pathology in all age groups. The pathological profile of the endometrium with underlying primary infertility is characterized by hyperplastic changes, and with underlying secondary infertility – by inflammatory processes. Hysteroscopic examination significantly improves the diagnosis of pathological changes in the endometrium, especially with primary infertility diagnosis.

Author Biography

S. М. Korniyenko, Odesa National Medical University

MD, Professor, Odesa National Medical University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Korniyenko S. М. (2022). ENDOMETRIAL PATHOLOGY. AGE AND REPRODUCTIVE ASPECTS. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2), 92–96. https://doi.org/10.11603/24116-4944.2022.2.13457

