connective tissue dysplasia, family doctor, joint hypermobility, diagnosis, rehabilitationAbstract
The aim of the study – to analyze the results of scientific publications reflecting the relationship between systemic connective tissue damage and its various symptom complexes. To help family doctors outline the main areas of examination, treatment, prevention of children with connective tissue dysplasia syndrome.
Materials and Methods. An in-depth analysis of the results of examinations, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention by scientists of therapeutic and surgical profiles has been carried out, which describe the systemic nature of the lesion in this pathology and its main clinical criteria that must be taken into account in the treatment, prevention, rehabilitation and social adaptation of such children.
Results and Discussion. Connective tissue dysplasia syndrome is a relatively "young" nosologist's name for the disease, which is gradually taking its place among other diseases. Classical methods of recognizing this disease do not always work, since in this case it is necessary to evaluate the state of several body systems at the same time – bone, nervous, endocrine, alimentary, hematopoietic, and others. The goal of the doctor in this case is to be able to combine the results of the post-syndromal examination with the aim of further treatment of such a patient. Such an examination scheme is new and causes certain difficulties among practicing doctors, as it requires the joint efforts of traumatologists, endocrinologists, pediatricians, geneticists, ophthalmologists, hematologists, psychologists, dentists and other specialists.
Conclusions. In the presence of this syndrome (or one of its types), the minimal, mandatory, basic methods of examination are assessment of joint hypermobility, ECG or ultrasound of the heart, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, vision control. Depending on the type of disease, targeted consultation of an orthopedist, pediatrician (cardiologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist), ENT specialist is necessary. It is necessary to remember that this syndrome is hereditary and may have a hidden course with an unexpressed clinic.
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