bacterial vaginosis, exo-endocervical pathology, microbiota of the vaginal mucosaAbstract
The purpose of the study was to assess the prevalence and clinical picture of vaginal dysbiosis in women of reproductive age as an additional factor inducing exo-endocervical pathology, and to identify the main trigger mechanisms for the development of this pathology.
Materials and methods. 90 women of reproductive age with clinical and laboratory manifestations of bacterial vaginosis were included in the study; two groups were formed: 50 patients with verified exo-endocervical pathology (main group) and 40 patients with BV manifestations without cervical pathology (comparison group).
Research results and their discussion. When studying the etiological structure of vaginitis in the examined groups, a combination of urogenital candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis was revealed in more than half of the observations (57.8%); the proportion of recurrent bacterial vaginosis prevailed 2.0 times in patients with exo-endocervical pathology, and 2.1 times higher share of severe dysbiosis was revealed.
Conclusions. A 2.0 times higher proportion of recurrent bacterial vaginosis and urogenital candidiasis was found in patients with exo-endocervical pathology. The microbiota of the vaginal biotope in case of exo-endocervical pathology is characterized by a deficiency of lactobacilli (52.0%), their low concentration (42.0%), a high frequency of the release of enterococci (58.0%), and multicomponent associations (66.0%).
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