
  • M. I. Hlamazda SI "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O. M. Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
  • S. I. Regeda SI "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O. M. Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, State Scientific Institution "Center for Innovative Medical Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
  • I. M. Shakalo SI "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O. M. Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
  • T. I. Kvasha SI "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O. M. Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine



morbid obesity, metabolic syndrome, reproductive health, family addiction, eating disorders, stress, puberty


The aim of the study – to research the lifestyle features and family history in women of reproductive age with severe morbid obesity (MO).

Materials and Methods. An analysis was carried out according to a specially developed questionnaire of 180 patients aged 23 to 45 years with MO, who applied to the Department of Endocrine Gynecology. The main group consisted of 130 women with MO. The control group included 60 healthy women of the same age. Studying the nature of employment and the level of education of the studied women, we did not reveal differences in the level of education, however, there is a higher proportion of women who noted a high level of responsibility and stress at work, namely in the group of women with MO, compared with the control group. Patients with MO more often noted the presence of stressful situations in the family, psycho-traumatic factors throughout their life, starting from puberty. Therefore, these women entered had impaired neuroendocrine regulation during establishment reproductive function.

Results and Discussion. Self-assessment analysis of the observation groups showed that every second woman with MO, regardless of age, 78 (60.0 %) was dissatisfied with herself, and only 11 women (18.3 %) in the control group. An analysis of the patients' lifestyles of the researched groups showed that every second woman with MO, regardless of age, had a low level of physical activity combined with a predominance of simple carbohydrates in the diet compared to women in the control group. Eating disorders have been observed in almost every woman with MO. Most patients with MO more often complained of a lack of sleep due to sleep disorders, including apnea. 67 (51.53 %) patients noted sleep disorders compared with women in the control group 10 (16.66 %). The analysis of indicators of the level of physical activity showed that the proportion of women with MO had a sedentary lifestyle, in contrast to patients in the control group. Also, during the survey, a significant prevalence of the frequency of perinatal factors was revealed in patients with MO, creating conditions for the development of metabolic syndrome (MS) in later life.

Conclusions. The results of our study indicate that the presence of obesity in patients with MS and obesity, as its main component, reduces the feeling of self-satisfaction, self-realization and, accordingly, distorts the psycho-emotional status. Also, patients with MO often note a low level of physical activity in combination with a predominance of simple carbohydrates in the diet and the use of more than two servings of alcohol, as well as active smoking. Analysis of anamnestic data on risk factors for the development of MO in the examined women showed a hereditary tendency to obesity. The study of women with MO's clinical and social characteristics showed a much greater saturation of their existence with stress factors and living conditions that require constant tension of the mechanisms of mental and physical adaptation.

Author Biographies

M. I. Hlamazda, SI "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O. M. Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

graduate student of the SI "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O. M. Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

S. I. Regeda, SI "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O. M. Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, State Scientific Institution "Center for Innovative Medical Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"

PhD, senior researcher SI "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O. M. Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

I. M. Shakalo, SI "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O. M. Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

PhD, researcher of the Endocrine Gynecology Department SI "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O. M. Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

T. I. Kvasha, SI "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O. M. Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

PhD, senior researcher of the Endocrine Gynecology Department SI "Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Academician O. M. Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Hlamazda, M. I., Regeda, S. I., Shakalo, I. M., & Kvasha, T. I. (2022). PECULIARITIES OF LIFESTYLE AND FAMILY ANAMNESIS OF WOMEN WITH SEVERE MORBID OBESITY. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2), 62–68.

