chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, endothelial dysfunction, pregnancy complications, oxidative stress, acid-base balanceAbstract
The problem of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases in pregnant women increasingly has become relevant in obstetrics. The body's oxygen needs increasing by 15–20 % during physiological pregnancy, and therefore, in the presence of chronic pathology, this can cause decompensation of the disease as well as change the clinical course of pregnancy. Thus, the combination of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with pregnancy can cause unpredictable complications for both mother and fetus.
The aim of the study – to determine and analyze the factors that affecting occurrence on the obstetric complications in pregnant women with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.
Materials and Methods. Bibliosemantic and analytical methods were used in this literature review.
Results and Discussion. A connection between the severity of endothelial dysfunction, lipid peroxidation, and the activity of the antioxidant defense system in pregnant women with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, was found. The chronic obstructive diseases are accompanied by the activation of free radical processes in the lungs. Free radicals have the ability to modify proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, which cause endothelial dysfunction. Endothelial dysfunction is currently considered one of the main pathogenetic mechanisms underlying the development of such obstetric complications as premature birth, placental dysfunction, intrauterine growth retardation, preeclampsia and others. A retrospective analysis of 120 histories of pregnant women with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases revealed that the following obstetric complications had been developed: placental dysfunction in 65.0 %, premature birth in 55.8 %, preeclampsia in 38.3 %, intrauterine growth retardation in 16.6 %, premature ruptured membrane in 15 %, fetal distress in 12.5 %.
Conclusion. Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases in pregnant women are accompanied with endothelial dysfunction, lipid peroxidation violation and increascent oxidative stress that need to develop an adequate programs for prediction of the obstetrics and perinatal complications in pregnant women with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.
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