


ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, in vitro fertilization, pregnancy


The aim of the study – description of a clinical case using the various methods of diagnosis and treatment of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in the early pregnancy.

Materials and Methods. A 34-year-old patient Z. presented with severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome that arose in the early pregnancy, which was a result of in vitro fertilization. For the purpose of investigation and monitoring of the patient condition complete blood count, basic metabolic panel, urine test and ultrasonography of the abdomen and the chest were performed. Management was based on the current Ukrainian medical guidelines.

Results and Discussion. After a thorough investigation of this clinical case we made a conclusion that ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome had started to develop immediately after oocytes retrieval and the clinical presentation of the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome corresponded to the grade 3 of the severity.

Conclusions. Application of a comprehensive approach in the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome allows tracing the dynamics of the pathological process under the influence of early term pregnancy and treatment measures. Needless to say, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is considered as an important risk factor that contributes to the complications of pregnancy after IVF and reproductive loss during the first trimester. Therefore, every patient should have an individual approach when choosing in vitro fertilization protocols, taking into account the personal risk to develop ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Author Biography

D. V. Letsyn, Zaporizhia State Medical University

Postgraduate student, Department of Obstetric, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine Faculty of Graduate Studies, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University


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How to Cite

Letsyn, D. V. (2021). SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF SEVERE OVARIAN HYPERSTIMULATION SYNDROME IN EARLY PREGNANCY (CASE REPORT). Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1), 87–92.

