mycoplasma infection, inflammatory diseases of the genital tract, vaginal biomeAbstract
The aim of the study – to assess the features of the genital biome and the structure of associative forms of vaginal infection in women with mycoplasma infection.
Materials and Methods. 80 women with mycoplasma infection and inflammatory diseases of the genital tract (group I) and 70 women without mycoplasma infection, but with inflammatory diseases of the genital tract (group II) were examined. Microbiological analyzes were carried out and the results were recorded in accordance with order No. 234 of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated May 10, 2007. Gardnerellа was diagnosed by the method of bacterioscopy by staining smears according to Romanovsky, followed by taking into account the "key" cells, setting the amine test, and determining the pH. Chlamydia was diagnosed by the luminescent method using the "Chlamy-Scan" kits (Moscow, Russia). The diagnosis of mycoplasmosis was carried out by two methods: the luminescent method using ‘‘Miko-Scan’’ kits (Moscow, Russia) and the culture method using an electrolyte-deficient nutrient agar for the isolation and identification of microorganisms in the urine (Makhachkala, Russia). The results of bacteriological studies were subject to statistical processing using the Student's method.
Results and Discussion. The biome of the vagina was studied in women with mycoplasma infection and inflammatory diseases of the genital tract. It was found that the microecology of the vagina in the examined women is characterized by an imbalance between the normal microflora of Lactobacillus and conditionally pathogenic microflora and the formation of 3–4 component associations of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, fungi of Candida in combination with Chlamidya trahomatis. It was found that in women with inflammatory diseases of the genital tract without mycoplasma infection, the vaginal biocenosis differs from the state of microecology of the genital organs of women with mycoplasma infection by a decrease in the frequency of diagnosis of chlamydia and gardnerellosis against the background of an increase in the concentration of opportunistic microflora.
Conclusions. The results of the work indicate the need for bacteriological examination of women for the presence of mycoplasma infection, an in-depth study of the etiology of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs and the use of adequate methods for the prevention and treatment of vaginal dysbiotic diseases.
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