
  • I. M. Nikitina Sumy State University
  • K. V. Mykytyn Sumy State University
  • N. V. Kalashnyk Sumy State University
  • T. V. Babar Sumy State University
  • N. A. Ikonopystseva Sumy State University
  • T. V. Kopytsya Sumy State University




endometrial polyp, steroid receptor, chronic endometritis, estrogen, progesterone, local endometrial hyperplasia


Hyperproliferative diseases of the endometrium in patients of childbearing age is one of the main causes of decreased fertility and the risk of developing oncological pathology. This publication is devoted to an urgent problem, namely, local endometrial hyperplasia, that is, endometrial polyps, which today requires a thorough study and improvement of methods for diagnosing and treating this pathology in order to preserve reproductive function. The aim of the scientific search is to review the literature on risk factors, etiology and pathogenesis of endometrial polyps, the role of chronic endometritis in the development of local endometrial hyperplasia in women of reproductive age. The leading links in the etiopathogenesis of this pathology are estrogenic stimulation, which is combined with progesterone deficiency, hormone-independent proliferation, chronic inflammation, pathological neoangiogenesis, and impaired immune status in the endometrium. Study of markers of apoptosis, proliferation, receptor status and oxidative stress to determine the intensity of proliferative endometrial processes will improve tactics of patient management, and development on this basis of new forecasting methods, treatment and prevention of endometrial polyps will help prevention of recurrence of pathology and preservation of the reproductive health of women. In addition, information is presented on the role of microbial and viral agents in the development of atypical endometrial hyperplasia in women of fertile age, and on the features of the expression of steroid hormone receptors in the pathologically altered endometrium. The role of echographic and hysteroscopic methods for diagnosing endometrial polyps was evaluated. The assessment of the effect of endometrial polyps on reproductive function was carried out.

Author Biographies

I. M. Nikitina, Sumy State University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Family Planning, Sumy State University

K. V. Mykytyn, Sumy State University

obstetrician-gynecologist of Sumy Regional Clinical Perinatal Center

N. V. Kalashnyk, Sumy State University

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Family Planning, Sumy State University

T. V. Babar, Sumy State University

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Family Planning, Sumy State University

N. A. Ikonopystseva, Sumy State University

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Family Planning, Sumy State University

T. V. Kopytsya, Sumy State University

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Family Planning, Sumy State University


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How to Cite

Nikitina, I. M., Mykytyn, K. V., Kalashnyk, N. V., Babar, T. V., Ikonopystseva, N. A., & Kopytsya, T. V. (2021). ENDOMETRIAL POLYPS IN WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE – A MODERN ETIOPATHOGENETIC VIEW OF THE PROBLEM: (LITERATURE REVIEW). Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2), 111–118. https://doi.org/10.11603/24116-4944.2020.2.11848

