teenagers, family, stress, psycho-emotional state, family relationships, aggressionAbstract
The aim of the study – to analyze the impact of stressful situations in the family on the psycho-emotional state of the adolescent.
Materials and Methods. 1075 sets of questionnaires of participants were selected (‘‘Questionnaire of a teenager aged 15–18’’ and ‘‘Questionnaire of a mother of a teenager aged 15–18‘‘), among which two groups were formed during the data analysis – group I was 425 aggressive adolescents, group II was 439 non-aggressive adolescents, 211 questionnaires were not included in the study due to lack of answers. The analysis took into account changes in the distribution between aggressive and non-aggressive groups under the influence of certain factors.
Results and Discussion. The presence of a connection between the peculiarities of family relations and the level of aggression of the adolescent was analyzed. Among adolescents who preferred to communicate with parents and consult with them, only 37.8 % and 44.8 % of respondents were in group I, respectively, while 62.2 % and 55.2 % were in group II respectively. Of the adolescents who experienced stress due to constant conflicts with their parents, 71.4 % were in group I. According to the data obtained, conflicts with parents or in the family have a more significant impact on the psycho-emotional state of the adolescent, while the loss of work by one parent (group I included 57.1 % of adolescents who experienced stress as a result), serious illness in someone from the family (61.0 % of adolescents in group I), divorce of parents (62.0 % of adolescents in group I), appearance of new parents (71.8 % of adolescents in group I), death of someone from the family 55.3 % of adolescents in group I) have less influence.
Conclusions. Stressful situations in the family have a negative impact on the psycho-emotional state of the adolescent, while communication with parents has a positive impact on the level of aggression. It is important to work with parents to explain the possible negative impact of underestimating the adolescent᾽s reactions and experiences of various family stressful situations.
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