densitometry, growth spurt, vitamin D, osteoporosisAbstract
The aim of the study – to determine the structural and functional condition of the bone tissue and the vitamin D status in schoolchildren during the second growth spurt.
Materials and Methods. 205 nominally healthy children aged from 9 to 17 were examined after their categorization depending on the presence/absence of the growth spurt (GS) and its intensity. Group 1 consists of 50 children who have grown up by 8–12 cm for the current year; Group 2 is represented by 46 children who have grown up by over 12 cm, Group 3 covers 109 children who have had no growth spurt. The examination included analysis of the medical history, evaluation of physical and sexual development, ultrasound and X-Ray densitometry, determination of the 25-(ОН)-D3 level.
Results. The ultrasound densitometry (UD) revealed a reduced mineral density of the bone tissue (MDBT) in children as follows: Group 1 – 24 children (48.0 %), the average Z-score reached (1.8±0.56); Group 2 – 28 children (60.87 %), the average Z-score amounted to (1.96±0.27); Group 3 – 43 children (39.45 %), the average Z-score reached (1.68±0.72). DXA allowed for examining 32 children with a reduced MDBT as shown by the ultrasound; 18 (56.25 %) of them were diagnosed with a reduced MDBT. Percentage of the children with a reduced MDBT during the growth spurt (Group 1) and the intensive growth spurt (Group 2) reached 38.9 % and 50.0 %, respectively. The average 25-(ОН)-D3 level in children with a reduced MDBT belonging to Group 1 was (39.04±11.84) nmol/L; in children with a normal MDBT, it was (42.43±6.3) nmol/L; in children with a reduced MDBT belonging to Group 2, its average level reached (45.68±5.48) nmol/L, the average 25-(ОН)-D3 level in case of a normal MDBT was (45.47±4.69) nmol/L; in children with a reduced MDBT falling under Group 3 the average value was (36.73±8.94) nmol/L which is evidently different from the corresponding vitamin level in children with a normal MDBT, namely (42.91±9.1) nmol/L, (р˂0.05).
Conclusions. A reduced mineral density of the bone tissue in schoolchildren during the growth spurt occurs due to the lack or deficit of vitamin D3. However, the most significant factor in the MDBT reduction is the fact that the processes of the bone mass accumulation cannot keep pace with an intensive linear growth of the skeleton.
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