
  • L. B. Markin Danylo Halytskyi Lviv State Medical University
  • O. O. Matvienko Danylo Halytskyi Lviv State Medical University




polycystic ovary syndrome, ultrasonic diagnostics


Nowadays polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine pathology among females of reproductive age (about 6 % are affected). One of the main methods for diagnostics of this pathology is ultrasonography. The main criteria are measurements of the volume of ovaries and determination of the number of antral follicles. Transvaginal sensor is best suited for this reason, as it allows good visualization of the ovaries and their internal structure. In women with obesity and a regular menstrual cycle, ultrasound should be performed in the early follicular phase. In patients with oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea, the test should be performed between 3 and 5 days after menstruation, caused by progesterone.

The calculation is based upon a simple formula. The volume of the ovary 10 cm2 is considered to be the threshold for polycystic ovaries. The ovary with a volume of more than 10 cm2 should be considered as one with polycystic alterations. When counting follicles in the ovary, a key technical point in assessing their quantity is the presence of anthropocytic follicles around the stroma of ovary, which has increased echogenity. 12 or more antral follicles with a diameter 2–9 mm in one ovary is an ultrasound criterion for polycystic ovaries.

All females with suspected PCOS, as well as with ovulatory dysfunction and hyperandrogenism, need to be exposed to transvaginal sonography in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle where two main criteria are determined – the volume of ovaries and the number of antral follicles there.


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How to Cite

Markin, L. B., & Matvienko, O. O. (2020). POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME: THE ROLE OF ULTRASONIC DIAGNOSTICS. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2), 43–49. https://doi.org/10.11603/24116-4944.2019.2.10922

