
  • I. M. Shcherbyna Kharkiv National Medical University
  • L. V. Potapova Kharkiv National Medical University
  • O. P. Lipko Kharkiv National Medical University
  • O. I. Skrobach Kharkiv National Medical University



treatment of perimenopausal disorders, osteopenia, osteoporosis


The aim of the study – to investigate the signs of osteoporosis in women in perimenopausal age. Furthermore, we aimed to develop an effective method of treatment of osteroporosis in perimenopausal women and design strategies to prevent the complications in order to improve the quality of life.

Materials and Methods. The study included 52 women aged 50–60 years. The group 1 constisted of patients with mild (I) degree of osteopenia (19 (36.6 %) patients), the group 2 included patients with moderate (II) degree of osteopenia (15 (28.8 %) patients), the group 3 (III) comprised of patients with osteoporosis ( 18 (34.6 %) patients). The control group consisted of 52 women in perimenopause phase. All women were assessed based on the following parameters: bone mineral density (densitometry), mineral balance and the level of antibodies to collagen and elastin.

Results and Discussion. The X-ray densitometry revealed that in 19 (36.5 %) patients cortical thickness index was (0.54±0.03) and the T-index was (-1.5±0.4), which corresponded to osteopenia. In 15 (28.8 %) patients cortical thickness index was (0.50±0.04), the T-index was (-2.2±0.3), which corresponded to severe osteopenia; finally, in the 18 (34.6 %) patients examined the cortical thickness index was (0.41±0.04) and T-index was (-2.9±0.3), which indicated the onset of osteoporosis. The total calcium and magnesium levels were decreased in all patients enrolled in the study, which correlated with the development of musculoskeletal disorders prevalent during perimenopause. We determined the antibody to collagen and elastin in patients who exhibited signs of osteoporosis. Women enrolled in the study underwent the therapy which was specifically designed for this study and resulted in significant improvement.

Conclusions. Signs of musculoskeletal disorders in women in perimenopausal stage are associated with age-related disorders of the reproductive system. It is important to focus on improving the quality of life of these patients. The therapy proposed includes a combination of vitamin D and selective estrogen receptor modulators. The therapy designed in this study results in more effective and stable clinical outcomes for patients.


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How to Cite

Shcherbyna, I. M., Potapova, L. V., Lipko, O. P., & Skrobach, O. I. (2019). TREATMENT OF MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS IN WOMEN IN PERIMENOPAUSE. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1), 152–155.

