About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The scientific journal was founded in 2008, issued 2 times a year devoted to actual problems of modern medical science in the field of obstetrics, gynecology and pediatrics. Original research papers undergo review of  leading international professional scientists.

The aim of the magazine –to promote  the publication of  new and most promising research in obstetrics and gynecology, the formation and establishment of the status of young scientists and practitioners in the implementation of broad access the latest clinical research of the  known scientists.

A special role in this regard plays an  original article, article section "To help practitioners", "Clinical lectures" and reviews of recent literature that highlights  modern scientific achievements in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, physiology and pathology of the fetus and newborn, problem diagnosis and treatment of complications pregnancy, childbirth and gynecological diseases, scientific questions of obstetric care. The magazine also publishes data on the exchange of practical experience and of scientific advances into medical practice.

Peer Review Process

1. Revision records article provided that it meets the requirements, published in the journal and posted on the website http://ojs.tdmu.edu.ua

2. Joined article is subjected  to  be reviewed.

3. Chief Editor determines  the scientific value of work and appoints two reviewers - independent experts who arethe  closest to the subject of scientific specialization. Reviewers typically are leading scientists in the field of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, medicine, etc.

4. The  review’s term   is  two weeks. Depending on the situation and  request of a reviewer the review’s  period may be extended.

5. In order to maximize the full and objective response to the article editors developed a guide for the reviewer.

6. The reviewer makes one of the following conclusions:

- Recommend an article to be published in the author's version

- Recommend an article published after revision and consideration of these shortcomings

- I recommend to transfer the article for additional review by other specialist

- Reject its publication, indicating the reason.

7. Editor-in-Chief reviewers consider proposals and take decisions: to send an article for publication the author or return the proposal to take into account the recommendations of the reviewer and finalize it. The resulting revised the authors reviewed again.

8. Since 2015 Edition switched to dual practice "blind" review, the author doesn’t know who evaluates his work and  the reviewer does not know whom he reviewes. Correspondence between the reviewer and the author  is made through editorial. Reviewer evaluating article may on its own initiative  engage some experts to give reasonable answers to the publication.

9.For the  editorthe  opinion of the reviewer is not final. If the opinion of the reviewer does not match, Editor sends work to thje third reviewer.

10. When the author disagrees with a review, it may refer to the wording of a reasoned response and then the editorial board makes a decision about whether to re-send reviewing other components reviewers. In conflict or unusual situations Editor-alone takes appropriate action.

11. In case of positive reviews chief editor sends the article to the editor with the instructions "To be printed" and the article is following stages: a spelling and stylistic editing, technical editing and layout design to transfer to the publisher.

12. Scientists Council of  Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University finally claim number at the next meeting.

13. Original articles and reviews are stored in the magazine for three years.

Open Access Policy

This magazine is practicing a policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of the free flow of scientific information and global knowledge sharing for the general social progress.

Publishing ethics

The journal "Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obsetrics and Gynecology" shares and supports the policies of the publishing house Elsevier, aimed at compliance with the principles of publishing ethics.

Detecting plagiarism

The review process for identifying plagiarism is the basis of successful publications. Editor governed by guidelines developed by the editorial board and legal requirements prevent defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism.

Authors should ensure that they have written original work, and if the authors have used the work and / or words of other authors, this should be appropriately cited or mentioned in references.

Plagiarism has many forms, from other people's work assignment to copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of another (without attribution) to assign the results of other people's research. Plagiarism in all its forms is unethical behavior and is unacceptable.

Bioethical Principles and Malpractice 

The author does not have to publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal. Submission of manuscript to more than one log at a time is unacceptable and unethical behavior.

The author does not have to submit for consideration in another journal previously published work. Publication of certain types of articles (eg translations) in more than one journal is sometimes justified if certain conditions are performed. Authors and editors respective journals must agree with secondary publication, which must reflect the same data and interpretations that were in the original article. Reference should tsytyrovatsya the original article and the secondary publication.

The author, who presents article shall ensure that all appropriate co-authors were included in the article and that all co-authors approved the final version of the article and agreed to its submission for publication.

If the work involves chemicals, procedures and equipment that have any unusual danger to their use, the author must clearly indicate them in the manuscript. If the work involves the use of an animal or person as an object, the author must ensure that the manuscript contains the statement that all procedures were performed in accordance with the laws and institutional principles and appropriate institutional committee approved them. Authors should include a statement in the manuscript that was received informed consent for experiments with human objects. Privacy rights should always be followed.

When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his own published work, he shall immediately inform the editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to remove or correct the article. If the editor or publisher learns from a third party that published work contains a significant error, the author shall promptly refuse publication or article to correct or provide proof-edition original article.

Publication Frequency

Scientific and practical journal "Actual problem of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology" is published twice a year


Open Journal Systems supports the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system, which provides a secure and permanent archival of the magazine.

Declaration of conflicting interests

It is the policy of Актуальні питання педіатрії, акушерства та гінекології. The actual problem of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology to require a declaration of conflicting interests from all authors enabling a statement to be carried within the paginated pages of all published articles.

Please ensure that a Declaration of Conflicting Interests section is included at the end of your manuscript, after any acknowledgments and prior to the references. If no conflict exists, please state that ‘The Author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest’.

For guidance on conflict of interest statements, please see the ICMJE recommendations here.

Bioethical principles

Актуальні питання педіатрії, акушерства та гінекології. The actual problem of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology focuses on the rules recommended by the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for research and other scientific purposes (Strasbourg, 1986), the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

All procedures describing experiments involving the use of laboratory animals, any material of human origin, or the participation of donors and/or patients should be conducted in accordance with the rules of bioethics.

Medical research involving human subjects must be conducted according to the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki.

Submitted manuscripts should conform to the ICMJE Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, and all papers reporting animal and/or human studies must state in the Methods section that the relevant Ethics Committee or Institutional Review Board provided (or waived) approval. Please ensure that you have provided the full name and institution of the review committee, in addition to the approval number.

For research articles, authors are also required to state in the methods section whether participants provided informed consent and whether the consent was written or verbal.

Information on informed consent to report individual cases or case series should be included in the manuscript text. A statement is required regarding whether written informed consent for patient information and images to be published was provided by the patient(s) or a legally authorized representative.

Please also refer to the ICMJE Recommendations for the Protection of Research Participants.

All research involving animals submitted for publication must be approved by an Ethics Committee with oversight of the facility in which the studies were conducted. The journal has adopted the Consensus Author Guidelines on Animal Ethics and Welfare for Veterinary Journals published by the International Association of Veterinary Editors.


Актуальні питання педіатрії, акушерства та гінекології. The actual problem of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology  take issues of copyright infringement, plagiarism or other breaches of best practice in publication very seriously. We seek to protect the rights of our authors and we always investigate claims of plagiarism or misuse of published articles. Equally, we seek to protect the reputation of the journal against malpractice. Submitted articles may be checked with duplication-checking software Plagiat.pl. Where an article, for example, is found to have plagiarised other work or included third-party copyright material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgment, or where the authorship of the article is contested, we reserve the right to take action including, but not limited to: publishing an erratum or corrigendum (correction); retracting the article; taking up the matter with the head of department or dean of the author's institution and/or relevant academic bodies or societies; or taking appropriate legal action.

Ethics Policies

The authors/ co-authors should refer to the guidelines published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

All participants in the peer-review and publication process must consider their conflicts of interest during the process of paper review and publication and must disclose all relationships that could be viewed as potential conflicts of interest.

If the material/manuscript has been previously published, it is not generally acceptable for publication in the International Journal of Medicine and Medical Research.


The Journal is indexed by Google Scholar, CrossRef, Index Copernicus, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, ROAD, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine).

ICV Index Copernicus 2015 - 42.41

Journal History

The Scientific and Practical Journal was founded in 2008, published 2 times a year, devoted to the actual problems of modern medical science in the field of obstetrics, gynecology and pediatrics. The permanent editor-in-chief of the magazine is Professor Boychuk A. V. The Actual problem of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology are specialized publications in the field of medical sciences.