The influence of drinking water with different content of potassium and sodium stearates on free radical processes in the body of rats
potassiumstearate, sodiumstearate, lipidperoxidation, antioxidantdefense, TBK-activeproducts, dieneconjugates, catalase, superoxidedismutase.Abstract
Introduction One of the reasons for the lack of quality drinking water is the poor quality of natural water, which is constantly polluted by waste water from industrial and municipal enterprises, surface runoff from the fields and territories of settlements with which it enters a large amount of toxic substances. Among them, surface-active substances such as potassium and sodium stearate are not the last.
The aim of the study to determine the specifics of lipid peroxidation and the state of the antioxidant protection under the influence of potassium and sodium stearates on the body of the experimental rats when they enter with drinking water.
Research Methods. White rats were divided into 7 groups, which consumed water with stearates in quantities equal to the maximum non-active dose of the substance (MND), 1/2 MND and 1/4 MND for 25 days. The content of TBC-active lipid peroxidation products, diene conjugates and the activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase in liver homogenate were determined.
Results and Discussion. In the homogenate of the liver of animals of all groups, there was a significant increase in the level of diene conjugates and TBK-active products in proportion to the concentration of the substance. It was also found that in animals that consumed water with different concentrations of potassium stearate, inhibition of antioxidant enzymes was observed. Consumption of water with different concentrations of sodium stearate caused the activation of these enzymes.
Conclusions. Prolonged use by test animals of aqueous solution with concentrations of potassium and sodium stearate in MND and 1/2 MND negatively affects the state of hepatocyte cell membranes due to the activation of the lipid peroxidation processes, namely TBK-active products and diene conjugates, the amount of which depended on the concentration of stearates in drinking water. The use of drinking water by test animals with maintenance of potassium and sodium stearates at various doses caused changes in the content of antioxidant enzymes: water with potassium stearate inhibits the activity of these indicators, and causes sodium activation with sodium stearate.
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