acute ischemia, muscle tissue, ischemic-reperfusion syndrome, lipid peroxidation, antioxidant protectionAbstract
Acute limb ischemia occurs as a result of sudden decrease in its perfusion, which usually occurs during the obturation of the lumen of large arteries due to acute thrombosis or embolism either impaired of vascular patency caused by trauma or compression (including the application of hemostatic tourniquets). In case of restoration of blood supply to the previously ischemic tissues arises an ischemic-reperfusion injury, in which one of the main pathogenetic links of the tissue alteration is the activation of lipid peroxidation.
The aim of the study – to make the comparative analysis of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection in homogenat of muscle tissue the hind limbs of rats in different periods of ischemic-reperfusion syndrome.
Material and Methods. The determination of the content of conjugated dienes, conjugated trienes, TBA-active products, superoxide dismutase and catalase in the muscle tissue homogenate of 30 rats under experimental acute ischemia were performed. Acute ischemia was caused by the application of SWAT (Stretch–Wrap–And–Tuck) rubber bands on the hind limbs of the animals for 2 hours. Quantitative indicators were processed statistically.
Results and Discussion. It has been experimentally determined that the maximum increase in the content of diene and triene conjugates in damaged muscle tissue of animals occurred in the early postischemic period at 2nd hour of reperfusion with a decrease on the 1st and 7th days and return to the level of the indicators of the control group in late postischemic period on the 14th day. The increase of TBA-active products in muscle tissue occurred in the first three groups of rats and peaked in 3rd group (reperfusion 1 day), and then decreased in animals of the late reperfusion period, reaching in the last group the values close to control group values. The activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase gradually increased in the early postischemic period and reached the maximum at the 7th day of ischemic-reperfusion syndrome, after which the indicators returned to the level of control group values on the 14th day. A strong positive correlation between the content of superoxide dismutase and catalase (+0.99) indicated a similar dynamics of changes in thise indicators. In all experimental groups of rats in the muscle homogenate there was a decrease of antioxidant-prooxidant index, which was most pronounced at 1st day of ischemia-reperfusion.
Conclusions. In all studied groups of animals, an ischemic-reperfusion syndrome with activation of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense was developed. The lipid peroxidation increased in muscle tissue from 1 hour of reperfusion and reached a maximum of 1st day, after which most indicators gradually returned to values of control group on the 7th and 14th days of reperfusion. The activity of antioxidant protection enzymes also gradually increased and reached the maximum in muscle tissue at the 7th day, and on the 14th day, the return of antioxidant protection values to the level of control group was observed. The increase of superoxide dismutase and catalase activity indicates the activation of compensatory mechanisms of antioxidant protection in ischemic muscle tissue, and their relatively low increase may indicate a subcompensated level of development of these mechanisms.
The decrease in the antioxidant-prooxidant index in the muscle tissue was maximal on 1st day of reperfusion, after which the index gradually increased. The opposite trend in the dynamics of changes in the content of pro- and antioxidants in the homogenate of ischemic muscle tissue is also confirmed by the inverse correlation the average strength between the products of the lipid peroxidation (diene and trienine conjugates) and antioxidant protection enzymes (superoxide dismutase and catalase).
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