
  • N. V. Pasiechko Тернопільський державний медичний університет імені І.Я. Горбачевського, Тернопіль
  • T. I. Krytskyy Тернопільський державний медичний університет імені І.Я. Горбачевського, Тернопіль
  • L. V. Naumova Тернопільський державний медичний університет імені І.Я. Горбачевського, Тернопіль



primary hypothyroidism, erectile dysfunction, obesity.


Erectile dysfunction (ED) as inability to attain and/or support penile erection sufficient for realization of satisfactory sexual intercourse in men after 40-years-old age is one of the most frequent general chronic disorders.

The aim of the study – to estimate an erectile function on a scale «The International index of erectile function (IIEF) – 15» for men with a primary hypothyroidism, that were on stationary and ambulatory treatment in Ternopil University Hospital.

Materials and Methods. Analysis of the state of erectile function in men with hypothyroidism conducted the «The International index of erectile function – 15» (IIEF). 60 men with primary hypothyroidism in age from 21 to 75 years were under observation.

Results. ED was significantly more often meets in patients with hypothyroidism (43 of 60 men, 72.0 %), what in men from a control group. The significant decrease decline of all integrative indexes of IIEF-15 was set in men with hypothyroidism by comparison to the indexes of patients in control group. The results of questionnaire of the inspected patients specify on hypothyroidism as on a direct factor that negatively influences on a sexual function in men.

Conclusions. An analysis of results of IIEF-15 questionnaire in men with hypothyroidism, ED and educed the expressed decline of all indexes of erectile function and androgen deficiency at inspected both groups by comparison to control. Calcula­tion of integrative indexes of the state of sexual function in inspected men with hypothyroidism, significant decrease showed an androgen deficiency and obesity or normal body weight for them all parameters comparatively with a control group.


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How to Cite

Pasiechko, N. V., Krytskyy, T. I., & Naumova, L. V. (2018). STATE OF ERECTILE FUNCTION IN MEN WITH PRIMARY HYPOTHYROIDISM. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (1).



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